Chapter 31: Home is where red is

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It took two and a half years to finish the device. Red looked at the watch in amazement. He looked over at sci and kissed him.

"We did it! We finally did it! It took us two years, but we finally did it..."

"Luckily we made two watches, right?"

"Right. We can both go!"

"Hey sci?"


Red kissed sci.

"Gotcha." red said playfully.

"Yeah, you got me. i love you."

"I love you too."

They kissed again.

"So do you think it's finally time to go back?" sci asked.

"Definitely. Now let's go home."

They both changed the universe symbols on their watches to underfell and pressed the teleport button.

They appeared in front of the house. Red looked a bit nervous.

"I'll go in first. Wait for me, okay?"

"Of course."

Red entered the house. It looked messy, like nothing had been cleaned up for two years.

"Who's there! Why are you here!?" a shaky voice yelled from edge's room.

"Boss!?" red shouted back.

"Sans? SANS!?"

Red heard shuffling and the click of the lock. After a minute, he saw edge running down the stairs. He was a mess, he had tear stains on his skull and he was sobbing like a maniac.

"S-sans, where have y-you been!? I th-thought you were d-dead, i c-couldn't... i would've killed myself if it weren't for undyne saving me!"


"Oh my god sans... i missed you so much..." he cried more and hugged sans.

"Uhh... boss? Are you okay?"

"Sans... i'm so sorry about what i did... i could never forgive myself..."

"Paps... i'm sorry too."

"For what? You didn't do anything."

"For not being here."

"Sans, it's my fault you left... i know... i-it was all my fault..."


"Just kill me. I don't deserve to live."


Edge was shocked by red's tone. But he stayed quiet.

"You shouldn't kill yourself over me. I'm not worth it. And besides, i have someone i want you to meet."


"My boyfriend."

Paps looked shocked again.

"You have a boyfriend!?"

"Yeah. here, let me go get him."

Red ran outside and got sci. When sci came in, edge looked shocked.

"Hi. i'm sci."

"But... y-you're...!"

"Both sans? Yeah. We know." Red replied and smiled at sci.

Edge looked stunned. He was speechless.

"But we really don't care. After all, we don't control who we love, we just do." Red smiled and looked at edge with an awkward smile.

Edge sighed and looked at the ground embarrassed.

"I need to tell you something weird that happened to me. Maybe you can explain it for me?" Edge sighed.

"Sure bro. What?"

"Well one day... I woke up and my soul wasn't red anymore... It was purple."

"Wait... You too?" Sci asked shocked.

Edge nodded and showed them. It was a lighter purple than theirs, but it was still shocking.

Red smiled. "You know what this means?"

Sci and edge shook their heads.

"It means... You fell in love with someone, and trusted them enough to share souls!"

Edge shook his head. "No way."

Red smiled and showed his watch to edge. He explained it and edge agreed to search with them. The first place they went was undertale. When they got there, they looked for someone with a blue soul. So they looked around Snowdin and find themselves... Only weirder. The sans spoke first.

"Hiya. I'm sans, and this is my brother papyrus. Who are you? You look a lot like us..."

"Oh... Heh... Right, i'm er... Sci. And this is red and edge."

Sci awkwardly laughed and looked at original papyrus.

"Sorry, can we talk to your brother... Alone?"

"Sure." Papyrus awkwardly walked inside thier house alone.

"Okay. You're classic sans. Well i'm you from the past, or sciencetale." Sci Said solemnly

"I'm you from underfell" red sighed.

"And i'm papyrus from Underfell" edge shrugged.

Classic sans gave an awkward and confused chuckle.

"So why are you here? And why am i from the past, here?"

"Well we need to find something out." Sci explained.

"Okay? And it involves me why?"

Sci glared at him and gestured to all four of them.

"We're you and your brother pretty much." Sci answered

"Okay? Whaddaya want?" Classic looked annoyed.

"We just need to compare soul color." Edge replied nervously.

Sans shrugged and pulled out his soul... It was the same color as edge's...

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