Chapter 18: lost for today

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When red looked around, he was in his old room. He sat up, confused. 

"What the-"

Then he realized. Frisk/chara had reset. His worst nightmare had come true. Edgy wouldn't remember the safe place that red had, just yesterday, called home. He stood up and walked to the living room. His brother was eating breakfast and glaring at him.

"Why are you up so late!? You've been asleep for hours!"

"Sorry bro."

He said, walking in the kitchen. Edgy stood up and blocked red.

"WHAT did you just call me?"

"Uhh... B-bro?"

"I thought so. You are getting punished after work, you understand?"

"But bro! I m-mean bos-" edgy slapped red.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear it."

He went back to his coffe and breakfast. Red stood there in shock. Tears rolled down his skull.

"B-boss... I w-wish, j-just for a moment, you c-could re-rememb-ber..." He sniffed.

"Remember what? Oh, look at you. You're such a fucking crybaby. Get over it. The worst is..."

He stopped when his brother muttered something.  Red was looking at the ground and clenching his fists at his sides while he talked.


"I said, i wish you could remember blue at least. Then you'd be much happier."

"Who the fuck is blue?"

"Someone you loved."

"I don't love anybody. ESPECIALLY not you, or this 'blue' person. Now go to fu-"

"No. You need to hear this."

Red glared at edgy and said in a dark voice, his eyesockets were pitch black.

"And i'm not letting your shitty attitude and crappy demeanor get in my fucking way. Understand?"

Now edgy looked a bit scared. He nodded a small nod and waited.

"Good. Now then, i am NOT calling you anything other than 'bro' or 'edgy' so suck it up. You can ask questions when i'm done and ONLY when I'm done."

He sat in the chair across from edgy and took in a deep breath. He started with resets, then talked about him meeting stretch (leaving out the sex) and he talked about how they fell in love. He finished with edgy's confession and them 'moving in' with the underswap brothers. Then said,

" and it all reset. Everything. And i'm going to fix that fucking machine today if it fucking kills me."

Edgy looked at his brother. Tear stains were going down both of thier skulls. Edgy gave a small nod and said,

"I'll help. Anything to make you happy."

Red froze. That was a first! Usually he was so... Horrible. He never understood. When red looked at edgy though, he saw something in his eyes. Love. He saw love. And he realized that edgy remembered. Red smiled.

"So you remember, huh?"

Edgy nodded and got up. He gave red a hug and kissed his skull before walking to the garage. Red followed  they worked on the machine all day and all night. The next night, it was complete. They both jumped in and went to underswap.

"Pap-er, stretch? You home?"

Red knocked on the skelebrother's door. Inside they heard footsteps down stairs then the door opening. The little blue sans stood in front of them, smiling his stupid grin with his eyes closed. When he finally opened them he had managed to say,

"Hi! I'm the amazing, sensational sans! How... Can... I..."

He looked at red.

"Hey blue. Can we come in?"

Blue looked confused, but let them in anyway. The first thing red asked as soon as they entered was "where's papyrus?" With a dissapointed look and a sigh as an answer. A minute later, blue said, " he's at muffet's, drinking his sorrows away." Red grinned. "Thanks!" He dropped his grin into a sad frown when blue couldn't see and walked to muffet's.

When he opened the door, there were awkward stares from people there and mutters about why sans was wearing such odd clothing. He looked around and spotted stretch, who was at the bar drinking. Red smiled and walked up to him, pausing behind him, only for a second as he said "hey stretch, something cutting ya 'down to the bone?'" Stretch chuckled. He turned in his seat and faced red. Red smiled and said, "long time, no see."

"Same te you."

Red chuckled, stretch was completely wasted.

"We should get you home."

"Nah, i like ih heow."

"Stretch, c'mon."

"Ffffffffffffuchk you. I shaid no."

Red raised a metaphorical eyebrow. He grabbed stretch and pulled him closer. He whispered,

"What if i said you could do anything you want with me when we get home?"

Stretch grinned.

"Youuu hathe convintsed meh. I need thome helph walkin'. "

Red carried stretch princess style all the way home. When he entered, blue and edgy were gone, but small moans and gasps could be heard from thier room.

'guess they got caught up' red thought, easily amused. He walked up to stretch's bedroom and layed him down, tucking him under the covers.

"Redd... You maduh promisssssh."




Stretch grabbed red's wrist. "Now."

Red sighed and gave in. He couldn't resist stretch. Especially when he was drunk.

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