Chapter 14: home is where i love you

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"Hand me the hammer will you?"

Sans asked paps. Paps gave him the hammer, but kept daydreaming about red. This continued until a knocking was heard on the front door.

"I'll get it." Paps said.

When he opened the door, his eyesockets widened at frisk. Then he saw flowey.

"Are you... From... underfell?"

Frisk nodded in surprise and flowey looked upset.

"Come in." He closed the door behind them and sat them on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa.

"So, how's re- uh... Sans?"

"Well... He's... Ugh. Every day, he gets up, messes up, gets punished, runs to grillby's, gets whiskey, then drinks at waterfall until he passes out, then repeats the next day."

Paps sighed. "I know how that feels."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I feel like doing the same thing."

There was a pause and when flowey looked over at paps, he had tears streaming down his face.

"So why'd you come here? And did you bring the machine?"

"Well, we want you to get sans. And yes. We brought the machine."

"Sans!" Paps called for his brother.


"Come here!"


Sans entered and said hi to frisk and flowey. They talked for a while about red and the machine. After a few minutes, sans had hugged paps goodbye and him and frisk and flowey got in the machine, to underfell.

When they got there, paps asked to be taken to sans. Frisk and flowey took him to waterfall. "He'll be here in a couple minutes. Want us to leave you two?"

"Yes please. Thank you guys." He smiled and waved goodbye. He sat behind where sans usually sat. The next three minutes were agonizing as he waited and waited, anxious to see sans again.

Finally, he appeared. Bottle of whiskey in hand.

"Finally. Back here."

He mumbled. Paps had chills going down his spine. He loved the sound of sans' voice. He had missed it so much.

"Heh. I wish on one of these shiny rocks... That i was with paps again..."

He muttered and drank a bit of whiskey.

"God damn... Why'd i have to meet him in the first place? Now all it's doing is making my soul hurt."

Paps watched sans. After a few minutes, he spoke up.

"Hey sans."

"Oh great. Voices. Welp. What've i got to lose?  Hey paps. Long time, no talk."

"Yeah. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Can you tell me something?"

"Of course. Anything papy."

"Why'd you leave a note for me?"

"Because. I couldn't just leave you there without a final goodbye. And besides, it made me feel like some part of my soul stayed there with you."

"But it did."

Sans chuckled. "Damn, i wish you were here."

"Wish granted."

Paps said before hugging sans from behind and kissing the back of his skull.

"P-Papy! How did you get here!?"

Paps looked up at sans and said,

"i heard you were crying and i ran to save you. Didn't i tell you i'd be there for you?"

Red smiled and turned to face paps.

"Thank you. I missed you so much, I can't ev-"

he was interrupted by paps' tounge connecting with his own. They kissed and cried for a bit, and when they pulled back,
paps said,

"i know. I couldn't even look at my sans without thinking about you."

Red started crying again. Paps comforted him and layed red down so his head was on his lap. He started humming a lullaby and soon enough, red fell asleep in paps' lap. After a short while, he fell asleep too. When he woke up, he saw the other papyrus standing above him and holding sans.

"What are you-?"

"Oh. You're awake. Finally. I had to carry you here by myself."

"You must be papyrus. Nice to meet you."

"Err... Yeah. Whatever."

Papyrus dropped sans on the floor and walked away, locking the shed door as he left.  Nobody was going to take sans away from him. Nobody.

"Sans, are you okay?" Paps asked frantically, picking him up and laying his head on his lap.

"Y-yeah, just confused."

" don't worry. I've got you." Paps kissed sans teeth and smiled.

"We'll be okay as long as we stay together."

They cuddled and after a couple minutes, sans remembered he could teleport. 

"Alright. Let's go home, okay red?"

Red nodded. Paps kissed his skull and teleported to the garage, only to find boss, trying to figure out how to dismantle the machine.

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