Chapter 22: honey? I'm home!

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Nsfw etc. you know the drill.

Red grinned as he layed down on stretch's bed. Stretch grinned too and positioned himself so he was hovering over red. He took off his tee shirt and leaned forward, summoning a tounge and licked red's teeth. Red opened his mouth and the two wrestled tounges while he took off both thier shorts. He traced his fingers over stretch's ribs making him moan a little. Stretch stopped for a second while he took off red's shirt. Then stretch licked and bit red's ribs one at a time making red let out several moans in pleasure. Stretch snickered and put his finger over red's mouth.

"Shh... Your 'boss' might hear us"

He winked and red chuckled.

"I could s-say the same for th-the l-little blueberry!"

Red bit and licked stretch's neck making HIM moan in pleasure. They continued like this until red couldn't take it. He grabbed stretch, summoning his cock and pulled him down onto it. Stretch moaned and his tounge lolled out of his mouth. He drooled a little as red bounced him. Red started to drool as well. After a few minutes, stretch came and a few bounces later, so did red. Stretch fell forward, but stopped himself a centimeter from reds face, smiling and kissing red. He tried to sit up again, but red pulled him down and they started wrestling toungs again.

"Ready for round two?" Red smirked when they broke from the kiss.

"Oh hell yes."


The next morning red woke up face to face with stretch, who was staring at him in a loving way. Red smiled.


"Hey. You finally woke up."

"How long was i asleep?"

"I woke up two hours ago, but i have no clue."

Red shrugged. He hissed stretch gently before sitting up on the bed.

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"Okay. Can i come with?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

Stretch smiled and walked with red to take a shower.

After the shower, they walked to the kitchen and had some breakfast. They went to work. It had been a normal day... That is, until they saw someone lying in the snow. They were wearing a white lab coat... Stretch went to them and noticed something.

"Another sans?"

"Ungh... Where am i? Paps? Did it-"

The other sans noticed stretch.

"Work? Umm... Hi? I'm sans-"

"I know. Need a hand?"

Stretch held his hand out for the other sans. Other sans took it. When he got up, he noticed red behind stretch.

"Lets take you to our house."


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