Extra #1 - A Nightmare

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        You were thankful that he wore pajama bottoms to bed for once, otherwise your poor baby boy would have been scared for life by the sight of his father in his underwear or worse, commando.

        "Giovanni had a nightmare," you replied.

        The elder vampire's grumpiness seemed to melt away at the mention of his son. He walked over to the two of you and grabbed his toothbrush and the toothpaste you had used for your toothbrush. He repeated the process you did and looked to his son expectantly.

        "Let's hear it kiddo."

        The two of you began to brush your teeth as you both listened to what your son had to say.

        "It started off like a nice dream, but it got scary."

        The two of you nodded at him to show that you were both listening.

        "The three of us were out in the gardens by nonna and nonno's crypt. We were having a picnic, and this guy who was dressed up funny came out from behind a tree. He walked over to us, and he grabbed me from behind. Two other guys dressed just like him came out of nowhere and they... they killed you both and made me watch! Then they melted into black gooey puddles to form a larger one that tried to eat me!"

        The poor kid was a sobbing mess. To the two of you, the dream didn't sound all too bad except for him having to watch your deaths. Any kid would think losing their parents in a dream is scary, especially at his age. He didn't seem to want to continue to talk about it, but he did anyway through his tears.

        "I ran away from it, but it ended up eating me after I tripped. I fell into an abyss after the goo monster swallowed me, and in it, all I could hear were your voices yelling at me, telling me that I was a failure of a child and that I was a mistake and should have never been born..."

         Giovanni cried harder after finishing the tale of his nightmare. Tears streaked down his cheeks and fell onto his white pajama top and wolf stuffed animal. You and Luciano shared a look and spat into your respective sinks before rinsing off your toothbrushes. You pulled your crying child into your loving embrace and off of the sink counter. He was resettled on your hip and crying into your neck, his wolf discarded on the floor as he hugged you back tightly. You shushed him as you rubbed soothing circles on his back.

        Luciano bent down to pick up the wolf stuffed animal, his back cracking as he did so. He straighten back up and placed his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the bed so you could sit down. Once at the edge of the large bed, you sat down, Luciano taking a seat next to you. Luciano turned on your bedside lamp so the three of you weren't sitting in darkness and took Giovanni gently out of your arms and into his before handing you the plush toy. The crying eventually turned into small occasional sniffles as the vampire prince calmed down in his father's hold.

        "I-I'm not a failure... Am I?" Giovanni choked out.

        "Of course not baby. You're perfect in every way," you told him honestly.

        "... Was I a mistake? Was I never meant to be born?"

        You and Luciano shared another look. The two of you knew this talk was going to be inevitable with him. You just hoped that it wouldn't have happened this soon. Luciano was the first to speak out of the two of you.

        "Well, you're mother and I really didn't plan to have you..."

        "Luciano!" You slapped him on the back of the head.

        "What? I'm not going to lie to him."

        "So I was a mistake!" Giovanni burst right back into tears.

For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن