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"Zoe!" I yell as my four year old runs across our living room. "Jackson?! Get Zoe. I'm trying too make Madeline's bottle!" He comes back through with Zoe and Matthew hanging onto his legs. "Yeah. I got them." I laugh at my husband, Zoe could be a shoe in for me. She's got light blonde hair, green eyes, and the cutest button nose. Then there's Matthew he looks just like his dad, dark hair, dark blue eyes. And little Madeline who is too small and too much like the both of us too tell. I may not have the perfect family and I will admit, having twins at the age of nineteen isn't easy. But I wouldn't trade my life and my family for anything. And too think. It all started when I learned the fundamentals of falling for jerk.

The Fundamentals of Falling for a JerkWhere stories live. Discover now