"Its me, Mrs Montana" she said in her soft voice, almost like a whisper, which was evidence of her old age

  "Who is it?" Dad asked walking toward me

  "It's Mrs Montana" I replied,

she is one of our neighbours, a very sweet and kind woman, she's in her late seventies but doesn't look a day over sixty five, she comes over with cookies ones in a while and sometimes I babysit her grandkids when they visit

   I opened the door to see a smiling old lady, with wrinkles on he face which were mostly caused by her constant smiling,

  "Good morning Mrs Montana" I greeted with a smile

"Good morning sweetie, how are you?" She asked in her soft voice

  "Judy, are you finally here to take my offer, on finding you a man?" dad joked

  Causing her to chuckle softly and shake her head "Ryan, please, I'm too old for that"

They hugged each other and said their greetings

  "Come on in" dad said

  "No, don't worry about that, I have something cooking in the kitchen, so I can't stay for long"

  "Oh, what is the matter then?" dad asked

She sighed "this may sound weird, but earlier this morning, I think I saw someone climb down you house" she said

  Oh shit!,

"What! Really?" Dad asked, lookin very surprised,

  "Yes, I'm not sure, but I think you should look around and see if anything is missing, maybe it was a thief, maybe it was a cat, you know how my eyes are, but just be careful ok, tr-"

   I sighed inwardly, I knew this was going to happen, I warned him, but noooo,

  "-so much, I'll look around" was what I heard dad saying before he closed the door,

"That's stange, did you hear anything?" Dad asked me

  "No I didn't, it was probably a cat" I said avoiding eye contact

  "Let me look around, just incase" he said before walking away,

Some minutes later

"Amy, do you was a ride to school" dad asked

"Sure dad, that would be great, I'm tired of taking the bus"

I'll be turning 18 soon and I have my drivers license but I don't have a car, not like I really want one tho

I asked Dad to drop me of at the gate and he did.

When I walked into school, I felt a little scared, what if they didn't like me anymore?

   I'm sure you've noticed, my brain is full of what ifs

When I got to my locker, as expected no one was there, I sighed and pick out my note for my first class

"Amy!!" Someone shouted

I turned around to see both Sonny and Ravan running towards me, they hugged me

"We were soo worried" Sonny said smiling at me, probably happy to see me

"Don't do that again" Ravan said punching my shoulder lightly

"Y-you guys aren't mad at me?, you dont hate me?"

"Are you stupid, why would we hate you" they said in unison, I missed their unison, it felt like I hadn't heard it in forever

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