To the girl who knows him best

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To the girl who knows him best

Don't settle for what he is, settle for what he can become. Don't be satisfied with what he is right now because you, out of all people should know his potential to grow and to change. Don't be the girl who settles for almost because almost will never be enough.

You know that he wasn't the type of guy that shows what he truly is. You know him better and you know that he's hiding something behind that mask. You know that despite showing a hard exterior, he can be the guy who has a weak heart and can be the most vulnerable. You know his weaknesses when all he shows are his strengths. You know that all he shows to others are what he wants others to believe but not you— you know him, too well enough to know that all of those are just his act.

He can be mean at times but never towards you. You somehow feel honored that he's giving you some kind of special treatment and yet, you still want others to see a little bit of kindness in him the way you did. You wanted others to recognize the guy behind the mask because you felt hurt knowing that he receives unwanted hate and attention when all he deserves are compassion and kindness.

Praying to God that someday the right girl will come for him, the girl that can change and mold him entirely into someone new—someone better. The girl who would laugh at his jokes even if they make no sense at all, the girl who would appreciate every little thing he does, the girl who would smile and try to cheer him up, the girl who would comfort him when he needs company, the girl who wouldn't take long to answer back to his calls and messages, the girl who would stay, the girl who won't leave despite seeing the ugly parts of him, the girl who will be willing to give him everything he deserves— a girl like you.

You knew deep down that he needed you or probably someone like you in his life. For an instance, you believed that it would have been you but you saw far beyond everything. You knew he was too good enough for you so you wished for someone else to take your place and be by his side for you.

But no.

Don't let him look for that girl when that girl is already here for him— and that's you.

Make him realize what he's missing. You, of all people. He should realize that without having you in his life, he wouldn't have had someone to show what he truly is deep inside. He wouldn't have anyone who was willing to stay even if they knew every bit of darkness in his soul. He wouldn't have you.

Don't waste your time praying to God and asking for that girl to come to his life. God already granted your prayer even before you prayed for it, you were already part of his life way before you realized that he needed you.

Haddly Park
3:07 AM

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