I start walking towards the stairs. He meets me on the landing, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me into him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't know." I mumble. "Can we lay down again?" I ask looking up at him.

He gives me a small smile before leading me up the rest of the stairs and back to my room. He then proceeds to take our things off my bed, placing them on the floor then pulling me down to lay just as we were before we were disturbed.

It helped.
"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you go to Avalon? And why'd you need therapy?"

I shrug in response.

We're laying on my bed. I have my head on his chest and my right hand resting next to it. His right arm is wrapped around my back and is resting on my waist, while his left hand aimlessly draws patterns on my arm.

"I watched my sister get murdered. I mean, I was a little messed up before that. But after, everything just snowballed."

"He really did it right in front of you?"

"I was on the side walk, she was in the street. We were both getting into our side of the car. It was pretty dark out, but I still saw it all."

"Lizzy that's awful."

"I know. That's what the therapy was for." I let out a deep breath. "Avalon was a whole different story."

"Hello how may I help you?"

"I need to check in my daughter."


"Elizabeth Jacobs."

"Any medical history we need to be aware of right away?"


"Okay! Here's an emergency contact card, medical history, permission form, and we need the patient to sign this. Basically surrendering their rights and acknowledging that we will be doing many things only in hopes to make them better. We also need you, or her, to fill out this form here. Tell us why."

My mom takes all the forms, then my hand and slowly guides me over to some chairs. I sit down.

Everything is a blur.

"Liz? Elizabeth? Elizabeth!"

"What?" I mumble, turning to look at my mother. She hands me a paper and a pen, telling me to sign.

In a matter of minutes I'm taken behind the big, white double doors. I start asking where they're taking me.

"We're going to help you." is all they kept saying.

Over and over and over.

I look around, they look dead. Men and women, some young and some old. They all look dead.

"Get me out of here." I say, looking to the woman to my left. She's holding my arm, helping the man to my right, pulling me down the hallway.

"I want to go home." I say, pulling against them.

"You can't go home Elizabeth. You need to get better first."

"Let me go! I wanna go home!" I cry out, screaming for my mother. Screaming for Bell. Screaming for anyone.

No one came.

Soon they have me sedated, sitting in a chair. I'm looking out a window. It looks dead outside. Just like the people in here.

"I'm Ava."

I look to my right. There sat a girl with red hair, very pale skin. She looked tired.

"You must've done somethin pretty bad on the outside for them to give you that many drugs." she laughed. Her accent was thick. Very southern. "I tried to kill myself."

She pulls up the left leg of her pants, showing me a scar across the front of her ankle.

"My boyfriend found me before I could do some real damage. Well, ex-boyfriend. So what about you? Try to kill yourself?"

"No. Not kill myself." I mumble slowly. "I've only cut myself a few times. Drinking. Some drugs. Mostly drinking. I guess heavy drinking at fourteen doesn't pair well with diagnosed depression." I laugh.

"Gosh, honey. I wasn't even that bad"

"Well when you watch your sister get beaten to death by her ex-boyfriend you kinda just wanna feel nothing. When I drink I forget, I don't feel it."

Ava doesn't speak to me again.
AN okay!!! So yea first ever flashback!!! Eliza arriving at Avalon, kinda scary, kinda makes me wanna cry

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