Chapter 11, Hide and Seek

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Your P.O.V
I saw Sebastian fall for my plan with the hose. Silly demon. I saw his aura of out and look for me. I coaxed a wisp over and bit into it, hopefully a clue. Oh by the way, I'm in the tree right next to the bush, I changed into a brown cat to help blend in. Blegh, this taste like burnt brusselsprouts. But it did get his attention. He touched his head, like he had a headache. He walked closer to the tree and I bit down harder.
     "Owwww" He started walking away and I loosened my jaw on the wisp. He stopped. Looked back and walked to the tree. I bit as hard as I could. In a flash he was on the tree limb.
     "Found you." He picked me up by my scruff and carried me back to our room, "tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk, you shouldn't run away from your boyfriend you know. I turned human and stared at him, "What're you gonna do 'bout it? Also you taste like burnt brusselsprouts."
     "I'll just add it to your list of punishments." He said as he started poking my side. I then grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss. He then picked me up and laid me in his bed. He pulled off my shoes and started tickling my feet, "Stop it!!!" I screamed at him. I couldn't breath I was laughing to hard. I made a super long cat-tail that would reach the floor if I was standing up. I put my tail under his chin. His eyes flashed pink. Why are you doing that.
     "So you don't see my crazy aura." He smiled. I moved my tail to his chest. Then back up to under his eye. As I'm doing this, I am squirming out if his grasp. He quickly realised what was happening and grabbed my tail. I made it disappear. He picked me up and pinned me on the bed with my arms behind my head. I looked him in the eye, you know we both want to do it. I thought that as I started taking off his tailcoat. I then started unbuttoning hi- ok let's stop there let's not dirty the minds of our younger readers. I'm looking at you in the front!!! How old are you like what -2?!?!? Anyways
~Time Skip~
The next day I was washing the dinner dishes with Bardroy.
     "Nice job, Bard, you managed not to blowup the kitchen today."
     "Why thank you, _____, Finny confiscated my flame thrower and my dynamite, so I had no cho-" Just then Sebastian came in and told Bard, "I think me and _____ will finish off today, Bardroy, you go do what you want to do."
     "Yes Sebastian." Then Bard left, and a read-head took his place.

Sorry for the short chapter guys, hope you still liked, kitties. Byeee!!! 😺

That Kitten, Found Sebastian X Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now