Chapter 6

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I may have had a little too much to drink before I caught the garter. That would explain my actions after catching it. While my brother danced with his new wife & our mom, I was at the bar doing shots with the guys. Going down on Demi, like I did, in front of my family & friends & my girlfriend was a little inappropriate. I forgot that Olivia was sitting nearby, watching. I forgot she was in the room. Hell, I need to be honest with myself, I forgot where I was & when it was & forgot that I had a girlfriend other than Demi. My head was foggy & I got caught up in the sexy moment. Holding Demi in my arms after that, while we danced, was the icing on the cake. That is until she took off & ran & I was smacked in the face with Olivia's horrified expression. She glared at me with a look of disgust & disappointment on her face. Her eyes were sad. I felt sick. I was suddenly snapped into the present. I knew exactly where I was & when it was. I also knew I was in for an argument with my girlfriend at some point. I watched Olivia disappear where Demi had gone. I found a chair & sat down, so I wouldn't throw up. 

It seemed like an hour before Olivia found me. I looked up at her with apologetic eyes. She had been crying. I couldn't blame her. I stood up & put my hands on her arms. "I am so sorry." 

Olivia put her hand to my mouth. "Please don't. I'm not feeling very well. I'm going to have Wilmer give me a ride to your place so I can start packing up anything that's mine." 

"What? What are you doing that for?" I shook my head in confusion. 

Olivia took my hand

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Olivia took my hand. "Come with me." She pulled me until we were out front of the hall. I saw Wilmer waiting in his truck nearby. "Nick, I talked to Demi. I told her what I was planning. I said goodbye to your family & everyone. I didn't tell them I was breaking up with you, though." She looked up at me as I just stared. I couldn't speak. "I'm setting you free." Olivia pulled off her engagement ring & put it in my hand. "I know you really don't want to marry me. And I also know that the way you look at Demi & act around her hurts me. I know you aren't doing it intentionally. It comes naturally for you. You look at her, sometimes, like there is no one else in the room with you. I don't ever remember seeing you look at me that way. And when you put the garter on her, you didn't act like there was anyone else, let alone, me, in the room with you. I don't even care if you go back to her. Whether you do or don't, I can't be with you anymore. Maybe there is someone out there for you that can get your mind off of Demi & make you forget her. Maybe there is someone out there who will make you look at them the way you looked at Demi. Or maybe you will never find that someone. In any case, I won't be that someone who settles. I deserve better than that." Tears were flowing freely down her cheeks. I reached up to brush a few tears away. 

"Olivia... I... can't... I... don't.." 

"You don't want to lose me. I know. But you aren't in love with me as much as I am in love with you. I'm not blaming you. We moved too fast. I let myself fall too hard too fast. I hope we can one day be friends because I cherish you as a human being & I would love to keep you in my life." 

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