A Little Too Friendly

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"Ah denial, so, so sad," Gray sighed, "The boy's in love and can't even tell."

"I am not in love with Lucy!" I hissed, slamming my locker closed.

"You know the 'Man Upstairs' doesn't like lies," Gray chuckled. The bell rang, and my two so-called "best friends" frolicked off to Calculus. I groaned and slowly followed them. Me? In love with Lucy? Ha! That's a laugh! She's my best friend! Best friends can't be in that kind of relationship!  I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice Lucy shoving my shoulder a lot. "Natsu!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I didn't see you," I apologized.

"Geez, did you not get any sleep," Lucy grumbled. I laughed and wrapped my hand around Lucy. "Let's just head to Calculus without Mr. Clark scolding us again."

Lucy P.O.V

I was sitting outside on the school field, laying down on the grass and just looking up at the sky. It was December 5th; approximately twenty six days until my birthday. Our birthday. The anniversary of the accident. I could feel my eyes getting clouded as my memory began to fill my head of the whole horrible event. I removed the pony tail from my hair and ran my fingers through it. I stared the pony tail. Natsu and I have been hanging out for weeks. It's been nice and all, but for some reason...I want more of Natsu. I can't describe this feeling, but it's just....glued inside my chest.

"Um...do you mind if I eat with you?" I looked to my right and found that blued hair girl-Levy I think- standing over me, carrying a bento box. I quickly sat up and smiled, fixing my hair. "Sure! I could use the company!"" She sat next to me and unwrapped her bento, revealing her vegan looking food. It was awkward for a while, only able to hear the sound of food crunching in our mouths. "Do you mind if I ask you a question."

"A question?" I asked. "About what?"

She sighed. "Guy troubles. I would talk to my friends, but they'd yell at me for this." I scootched closer to her, suddenly getting interested in what she had to say. "You can tell me, Levy. I won't tell, I swear."

She looked at me for a while and took a deep breath. "You know Gajeel Redfox, right?"

"Sure, he's my Economics partner,'" I answered.

"Well, I've been tutoring for a month now...and, well...I don't really know how to explain it," Levy flustered. She was twiddling her thumbs rapidly, her face slowly changing to a shade of pink. I covered my mouth and giggled. "Maybe you...like him?"

She whipped her head in my direction, her eyes bulging in surprise. "No! Of course not! I can't like...like...him!"

"Well why not? What's stopping?" I asked.

"It's just...I don't know..." I sighed and scooted closer to her. "Look, if it helps, I think I'm dealing with the exact same thing."

"You are?"

"Yeah...I just reconciled with a friend I've refused to talk to for the past six years and...Well, let's just say he's definitely matured a bit."

"Wait, is this Natsu Dragneel?"

"Yeah...Wait, how do you know him?"

"I know you've only been here for a month or two, but around here, everyone knows Natsu. I mean, he's the star basketball player, very smart, and he dated that one girl, Eloise Montgomery-."

"Wait, who?" I asked, my ears perking.

"Eloise Montgomery, the female equivalent of Natsu: point-guard for the Fair Tail Fireflies, second highest grade in the school, and is stunningly beautiful."

"Oh...how long did they date?" I asked.

"They actually broke up during the summer, or at least, that's what I heard." I looked down and sighed. Of course he would have had a girlfriend. I mean, he's handsome, funny....Wait, why am I thinking this way about Natsu! He's my best friend! This is wrong! I shook my head and looked back the girl who needed help. "Look, I think it's fine that you like Gajeel-."

"I never said I liked!"

"But it's obvious. It sounds like you truly care for him." Her eyes widened, and her face turned into a bright shade of pink. She looked down at her knees and sighed. "Is it really that obvious?"

I laughed. "Hey, who said it was against the law to have crushes." 

"Yeah...thanks Lucy," she smiled.

I smiled back. "No problem." Then, the bell rang from a distance, cuing us to head off into our next class. Levy and I stood up and wiped the grass from our skirts. I smiled and said, "It was nice talking to you."

"Same to you! See you soon!" We took separate paths with me heading towards my locker. I opened my locker and got my books for Advanced Latin and Choir III. I see a piece of paper folded in my locker, something that was unfamiliar to me. But before I could get a quick look at what it was, I closed my locker to see Natsu in front of me, grinning as usual. "Thanks for the lunch, princess! It was delicious!"

I smiled. "I'm glad you liked it."

"Where were you anyways? We were waiting for you?"

"I ended up eating lunch Levy McGarden. She's really nice."

"Well, that's good to know. Come on, I'll walk you to your next class." He grabbed my hand and dragged me with him. I couldn't help but smile, blushing only the slightest. I unknowingly unfolded the mysterious piece of paper and read it, only realizing it something unexpected.

Enjoy it while it lasts, Honeybee. But you're just about to have everything taken away from you. Watch your back. 

Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu, Jerza )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ