34. Resolutions

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Draco cracks a smile.

"Can we work on not fighting?" he asks, "I think we can work."

"Yeah, we can work on it," I agree.

"Can you move back into our room?" he asks, "I don't like waking up without you there when I have nightmares."

I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist.

"You can move my stuff back," I tell him, "I'm going to have a cup of tea."

"Why do I have to do it?!"

"Because you read my journal."

I walk down to the kitchen and make two cups of tea. I need to do some baking, the kitchen is so amazing and I haven't used it once.

I take the tea up to Draco and we sit on the window seat to drink it. I finish the dregs and sit my cup on the floor. I wiggle up to Draco and wrap my arms and legs around him. He puts his tea down and cuddles me back.

"Don't you have patrol?" he asks.

"What time is it?"

"Five to three."

"Oh crap!" I try to jump up, but my foot catches and I crash into the floor, "ow!"

I sit up and rub my head.

"Are you alright?" Draco asks.

"I'm late," I say, leaping up and diving into the wardrobe to get changed. I come back out, pulling on my shoes.

"I'll see you later," I say, grabbing my wand from the dresser.


I get home to find Draco fast asleep on the lounge and a romantic dinner set up in the kitchen. I gently cover Draco in a blanket and head up to bed. We can have breakfast together tomorrow. I reach for my journal before I remember it's gone. Ah well.

I curl up and try to sleep, but I can't relax. Usually I'd write out how I was feeling and then I'd be ready to sleep, but now I just feel... I don't know, like my emotional bucket is full. I want to go swimming. We need to have a pool put in.

I go into the bathroom and run a bubble bath. I climb into the hot water and feel myself begin to relax as the muscles in my back unclench. The foam on the top of the bath is thick, like a blanket, trapping the heat in. I close my eyes and exhale. This is better than journalling.

"Autumn, wake up."

I jolt awake. Draco is kneeling beside the bath.

"You can drown, falling asleep in the bath," he tells me, "come on, hop out and get into bed."

"Time is it?" I mumble.

"About one in the morning," he says, holding out a towel. I clamber out and wrap it around myself, shivering violently. The water is cold and the air is colder. Draco gets his bathrobe and wraps it around me. It's big and snuggly. I walk out and collapse on the bed.

"You're going to sleep like that?" he asks, "you'll get sick."



He tucks me in and goes around to his other side. I cuddle down and go back to sleep.

I wake up feeling damp and cold. Draco was right, sleeping in a damp towel was a bad idea. I peel the bathrobe and towel off and have a hot shower. Alright my nose feels a bit stuffy. I get dressed in warm pajamas and go back to bed. Tippy changed the sheets while I was showering, so it's warm and dry.

Draco wakes me up when he gets home.

"I told you you'd get sick," he says, feeling my forehead.

"I'm fine," I lie, "my nose is just a bit blocked."

Really I feel gross. I'm not dying or anything, but I certainly don't feel like standing around in the cold air for hours tonight.

"So, how's work?" I ask as we have hot chicken soup for lunch. Draco raises his eyebrows at me.

"You're right, I don't want to know," I mutter, "what time will you finish tonight?"

"Seven, you?"

"I start at six, so not until twelve or later," I sigh. Draco gives my hand a squeeze.

"In a week you'll be back at school," he says comfortingly.

"Without you," I mutter, pushing my soup away, "why don't you have to go?"


"You do have to go!" I exclaim, "don't you!"

"Yes," he sighs.

"And you didn't tell me because you thought you were more important!"

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, I have to go," he grumbles, "don't rub it in."

I fling my arms around him.

"I feel so much better about going back," I tell him. He pats me on the back.

"I'll go and get your books tomorrow," I say, "this will be brilliant!"

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