19. Christmas Day

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I just remembered that Draco stayed at Hogwarts over Christmas. Tonight is going to be SO boring without him. I'll have to do drawings and crafts with the little kids. Urghhhhh!

It's Christmas morning and the kids have been up for hours, waiting for Mum and Dad to wake them up. Josie didn't come today, so it's been up to me to keep them occupied. We're playing hide and seek. I've sent them off to hide and I'll wait until they get bored before going to 'seek' them. It means it's quiet for a little while longer. It's nearly eight now, so Mum and Dad will be up for breakfast.

As soon as Mum and Dad emerge the kids are begging to open their presents.

"Not until you've had breakfast," Mum says, "come on, you know the rules."

They're too excited to eat, so after about half an hour Mum sets them loose in the living room. They tear into their presents with gusto while Mum and Dad sit back and watch. I sit in a corner on my favourite chair and open up all of mine. I get a few nice things, including a box of chocolates from Fred and George and a talking homework planner from Hermione. I get a sweet note from Draco too.

I hope you have a Christmas as special as you are. See you soon.

The new toys keep the kids busy until lunch time. After we've all eaten I coax them upstairs for a nap and end up reading to them for an hour before they finally fall asleep. I have a sleep for a couple of hours, then I'm woken by Mum.

"Is it time to go to the party?" I ask sleepily.

"There's not exactly a party this year," Mum says, "just us and the Malfoys."

Great. Boring AND awkward.

"I'm going to get you all ready," Mum says, "come on."

She sits me down in front of my dressing table and starts applying make up and fiddling with my hair. When she's finished I look a lot older and very formal. She gets my new robes - black, close fitted - and helps me get dressed, high heels included.

"You look beautiful," she says, brushing away a tear, "come along."

Dad meets us at the top of the stairs. He gives me a small smile.

"Josie, dear?"

A very disappointed-looking Josie appears at the bottom of the stairs.

"We're leaving now," Mum says, "make sure the children are in bed, asleep, when we get home."

Mum and Dad sweep me out of the house and disapparate. I land clumsily in my heels, and hobble up the driveway to the Manor. We're met at the door by Mrs Malfoy. She shows us into Mr Malfoy's office where Draco and his father are standing by the fire. My face lights up into a smile when I see Draco. He returns the smile without hesitation.

"Why don't we all sit," Mrs Malfoy says, motioning to the two couches facing each other in front of the fire. We sit, Mum on my right, Dad on my left, mirroring the Malfoys. Mr Malfoy clears his throat softly.

"We are here," he says, addressing Draco and I, "because we have decided it is time to tell you of your betrothment. To each other."

I feel my mouth fall open and close it quickly. I glance at Mum and Dad. What?

"It was decided not long after Autumn's adoption that she would be the heir to the Turner estate," Mr Malfoy continues, "in light of this, an arrangement was made between our families, that once she turns seventeen that the two of you would be wed."

"We're engaged?" Draco asks faintly.

"Yes," Mrs Malfoy says, "so, it's rather fortunate that you're dating. It takes the pressure off a bit."

I'm staring at my hands, shocked. They mustn't know who my parents are. And by the sounds of it, they will never know. I guess this means I can't tell Draco.

"Today is the first official day of your open engagement," Mr Malfoy says, handing Draco a box, "we'll leave you alone to propose as you see fit. When you're finished, meet us in the dining room to celebrate."

Our parents get up and leave. As soon as the door closes I burst into a fit of giggles. After a moment, Draco starts to laugh too.

"As I see fit," he chuckles, "well, there's not really any way to do this as a surprise, is there?"

I can't reply, I'm laugh so hard I have tear rolling down my face. This is all so messed up and twisted, there's nothing to do but laugh. After a minute I manage to calm down and Draco hands me his handkerchief. He takes the ring out of the box and looks at it, surprised.

"What is it?" I ask him, trying to fix my makeup.

"This was my grandmother's ring," he says, holding it up, "she used to say that it brings happiness and peace into relationships."

"We could use some peace in ours," I comment. He nods and takes my hand.

"So," he smirks, "will you marry me?"

"If I have to," I joke. He slides it on my finger. It's a bit loose, but it's very pretty. It's a big, black stone with a crest engraved on it.

"That's the Malfoy coat of arms," Draco tells me, "the saying means Holiness Always Overcomes."

"Which means purebloods are superior?"

"Pretty much."


I kiss him softly on the lips.

"Shall we go and celebrate?"

I'm engaged. To be married. For real! What the heck?! I thought arranged marriages were a thing of the past! I'm surprised they're letting their precious Draco marry a Gryffindor... I didn't get time to talk to my parents after we got home. The second we set foot in the door Josie fled and Mum and Dad locked themselves away in their room, promising we'd talk tomorrow. What more is there to talk about?!

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