23. Taking Sides

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Draco and I are pretending to study together so that we get some more time together. I'm pretending to copy down some notes as I write this, because our mothers are in the room. They've begun planning the wedding, so she's over here quite often. Draco turns 17 on June 5th and I'm two weeks later on the 20th. Our wedding date has been set for  the 25th. Our birthdays combined, supposedly romantic. Mother and Mrs Malfoy both seem to be very enthusiastic about it, chosing the colour scheme, guests, and best of all, what we're going to wear.

I can't wait to go dress shopping.

Did you pick up the sarcasm? Because really, I CAN'T WAIT to go dress shopping. Uuuuurggggh.

Draco nudges me.

"What?" I whisper.

"You're writing angrily," he says. I giggle.

"Sorry," I say, "just thinking about this wedding."

"It makes you angry?" he asks, frowning.

"No," I take his hand, "I just don't want to go dress shopping."

He laughs quietly and squeezes my hand.

"You'll look beautiful, whatever you wear," he says. I blush.

"Do you think they'll let us choose the bridesmaids and groomsmen?" I ask. We look over at our mothers at the other end of the table. They have a huge book spread in front of them and are discussing fabric samples.

"I doubt it," he says, "I don't mind, I don't really have any to ask."

The only person I could ask would be Hermione.

"Me neither," I sigh, "ah well, at least we don't have to figure it all out."

"It might not even happen..."

"Don't," I scowl, "Draco, you'll be fine. Just... Do it."

"I thought you liked Dumbledore?"

"I do!" I exclaim, "but I love you and... Well, given the choice between you..."

"You'd pick me?" he looks delighted.

"Of course!"

He leans over me and kisses me quickly. We glance at our mothers, but they're too absorbed in their fabric. The front door opens and Father and Mr Malfoy walk in, discussing buisness.

"It's dinner time," Mother says, "pack up your books."

"That was productive," I mutter to Draco, who smirks. We pack our books away and take our seats for dinner.

"How are the wedding plans coming?" Mr Malfoy asks.

"Wonderfully," Mother replies, "I think we'll have just enough time to pull it all together. I glance at Draco. Is six months not enough?! After dinner Draco and his parents have to leave. We stand slightly apart from them to say goodbye.

"You have to do it," I tell him in a whisper, "Draco, just... Stay safe. I love you."

He takes my hand and gives it a squeeze, but he looks worried. I want to hold him so badly, I wish we could be alone together! I reach out and touch his face softly.

"You mean everything to me," I tell him, "I can't lose you."

He leans down and kisses me hard. When we pull apart we glance at our parents who are all trying to act as if they didn't notice. Draco leans his forehead on mine and brushes his nose against mine.

"I love you," he says, "and I'll do whatever it takes to come back to you."

"Draco, come," Mr Malfoy says. We move apart and he walks out with his parents. As soon as the door closes I run up to my room and dive onto my bed, sobbing. I hear the cracks as they disapparate and I feel like my heart's been ripped away with them. Mother comes up a few minutes later and sits beside me, stroking my hair.

"You really love him, don't you?" she asks. I nod, burying my face in the pillow. Mother sighs.

"What we're doing is for the best," she says, "we're trying to keep you safe."

"If Snape wanted to tell the Dark Lord who I really am, he would have by now!" I sob, "and my being at Hogwarts isn't going to make the secret come out!"

"When you're older, you'll understand," Mother sighs, "when you'd do anything for your children."

I pull away from her and hide under the pillows. After a few minutes she leaves and I cry until there's no more tears to shed.


I get a few letters from Draco, nothing special, until late March. Then I don't hear anything until May.


I jump as Mother slams the door open. My tutor, who also jumped, straightens his glasses.

"Madame, I-"

"Autumn, it's Draco," Mother cries, "he was attacked! Quick!"

I jump up, my heart pounding wildly.

"What happened?" I cry as we run downstairs.

"I don't know," she says, grabbing my arm and disapparating. We land outside the gates and see Mr and Mrs Malfoy running towards the castle a few feet ahead of us. I take off, dragging Mum behind me. We burst into the entrance hall and I sprint upstairs to the hospital wing. I'm faster than the others and leave them behind. I reach the Hospital and dive inside, looking around for Draco.

"Oh, my God!" I see him lying on a bed, shirtless, with deep welts across his chest. His eyes are closed. Professor Snape is standing nearby, talking to Madame Pomfrey and they both look around at me, surprised. I run over to Draco, my heart pounding.

"Oh, Draco," I breathe, touching his face. He's cold as ice. I hear the others catch up and turn to Snape.

"Who did this?" I ask. His mother brushes me aside, but I don't care. I have my wand in my hand and all I want is to curse the son of a bitch who did this. I stalk up to Snape and stare him straight in the eye.

"Who?" I demand. He raises an eyebrow.

"Your brother."

I see Hermione as I approach Gryffindor tower. Her smile fades when she sees my face.

"What's the password?" I spit.

"Uh, dilligrout," she says. The portrait swings open and I dive through. Harry is sitting on the couch with Ron and Ginny. I storm over to him and grab him by the scruff of the neck, shoving him against the wall. I hold my wand to his neck, my vision red, blood pounding through my ears.

"If you touch so much as a hair on Draco's head, so help me, I will kill you myself," I snarl.

"I didn't mean to," Harry stammers, "I didn't know what it would do!"

"I. Don't. Care," I growl, "you're lucky I don't tear your throat out."

"Autumn, it was an accident," Hermione says, putting her hand on my shoulder. I push her away.

"Don't touch me, you filthy little mudblood!" I yell. I hear someone gasp and Hermione looks liked I slapped her. I turn back to Harry.

"If I hear that you've so much as looked at him funny, I will destroy you, Potter," I snap. I turn and stalk out. I go back to the Hospital Wing, slowly calming down. When I step inside I find Mother standing a little way from the bed, while Mr and Mrs Malfoy sit on either side of the bed. I go to stand beside his head and stroke his hair.

"Oh, Draco," I whisper, "I told you to be careful."

Draco hasn't come around yet. Mr Malfoy had to leave, but neither Mrs Malfoy or I will leave his side.

Oh, Draco, please be okay!


So, Autumn had a bit of an angry out burst. Looks like she's chosen her side, I just hope it's the right one!

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