5. He's Back

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Well, so far the third task has been pretty boring. We can't see anything that's happening within the maze, so we have no idea what's going on. Fleur's been pulled out of the maze already and some red sparks just flew up. I wonder who it'll be this time. . . Krum! It's Krum. A Hogwarts champion will win this, then, for sure.

It's nearly the end of the school year now, and I'm sorry I haven't written for so long, I've been busy preparing for exams and doing homework. And I'll admit, hanging out with Draco. We're not a couple or anything. I wish we were. I don't know how Draco feels. Sometimes it seems as though he's really into me, and others like we're just good mates. I still haven't got my kiss.


I slam my diary closed as Draco squeezes into the seat next to me. I hope he didn't see what I wrote!

"This is boring," he mutters, "two champions out and we can't see what's happening to the other two."

"The second task was boring too," I sigh, "they didn't really think these through too well, in terms of viewer enjoyment."


There's a flash of light from the middle of the maze.

"Oh, do you think one of them's got the cup?" I cry. Half the stands have leapt to their feet, watching eagerly. Nothing more happens.

This is rubbish," Draco says.

"Who do you think will get it?" I ask.

"Diggory," he replies immediately. I smirk slightly.

"You only think that because you detest Harry," I say.

"What's not to detest?" he sneers, "he's so stuck up."

"Oh, you don't even know him," I say, "I bet you'd get along if you tried."

"I doubt that," Draco says, "we're from two completely different worlds. Besides, could you imagine what my father would say? You're lucky your parents give you space."

"You mean neglect me because they actually have kids now?" I ask, raising my eyebrows, "yeah, lucky."

"I only meant-"

Draco's interrupted by another blue flash, this time right at the base of the stands. Everyone starts to cheer, but then a piercing scream splits the air.

"He's dead!"

"Oh, God, he's dead!"


"Diggory! Diggory's dead!"

I climb onto my seat, straining to see, but I can't see over the rest of the crowd, who're all doing the same thing.

"Everyone, please, be seated!" Dumbledore's voice roars over the noise of the crowd. I sit back down, glancing at Draco. He's staring ahead, looking impassive, but there's something in his eye that makes me think he's not as calm as he looks.

"Hogwarts students, return to your dormitories immediately," Dumbledore says, "Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, please return to your lodgings. Please move in a calm, orderly fashion. Now!"

I tuck my diary under one arm and grab Draco's hand in the other. The crowd sweeps us along and we have no choice but to stumble on until we've left the stadium and the crowd breaks into three streams. We follow the largest up to the castle. In the Entrance hall we peel away from everyone.

"I wonder what happened," I murmur.

"Maybe Potter killed him."

"Draco!" I gasp, "don't even say that. Harry wouldn't."

"How do you know?" Draco challenges. I shake my head.

"I don't," I admit, "I-"

"Miss Turner, Mr Malfoy, to your dormitories!" Professor Flitwick calls as he herds some young Ravenclaws upstairs.

"Yes, professor," I reply. I turn back to Draco.

"Talk in the morning?" I ask. He nods.

"Goodnight," he says, heading down the stair case. I sigh and walk up to Gryffindor tower alone.


We file into the Great Hall in silence. There are black banners hanging from the walls. I sit down at the Gryffindor table beside Hermione. There's food out, but nobody is eating. I look along the staff table and notice the Durmstrang headmaster isn't there. Vaguely I wonder why.

Dumbledore gets to his feet and looks down on us with sympathy.

"This past week," he says in a gentle voice, "Hogworks lost one of our most promising students. Cedric Diggory was a good friend, prefect and an excellent student. The ministry does not wish for me to tell you how he died, but I feel not to do so would be an insult to his memory. Cedric Diggory died at Voldemort's hand."

There's a collective gasp across the room and whispers break out and spread like wild fire. Dumbledore waits until they've subsided before continuing.

"Lord Voldemort has returned," he says.

I feel my head spin and my vision goes black for a moment. I don't hear anything else. I start to shiver, wondering where my family will stand. I know that my father used to be involved with the Death Eaters, but I don't know how deeply he was involved. Will he return to You-Know-Who now that he has children? Or will it be his children that make him return to You-Know-Who, to protect them?

I become vaguely aware that Dumbledore has stopped talking and people are leaving. I search through the crowd for Draco, but I can't see him. Hermione takes my hand and we walk upstairs together to pack for the trip home tomorrow.

It can't be true. How can he be back? What are we going to do? I can't wait to get home and talk to Mum and Dad about it. They can tell me where we stand, what to do. They'll know, surely.

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