39. Resistance

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"So, did everyone have a good holiday?" Neville asks as we all find a spot to sit in the ROR. There's a general consensus of muttering and nodding.

"Good, now, during the holidays I got onto the Order," Neville says, "we're going to have open lines of communication with them, keeping them updated about what's going on here."

"Why can't they help us?" some one calls.

"Because they're fighting a battle out there," Neville says, "our battle is here! Now, our Head Girl will address us."

I hate talking to crowds. I stand up and walk up to stand beside Neville. I open to my mouth to spe-

"She kidnapped Luna!" someone yells, "how can she be trusted?"

"Fair comment," I say, "that's the hard back about playing for both teams. There are some battles that aren't worth fighting. If I'd refused to take Luna, it would have compromised my position, and right now that hangs precariously enough as it is."

"We need someone on the other side," Neville adds, "without Autumn, we don't know what they're planning."

"What about Luna?" a girl asks, "is she dead?"

"She's fine," I say, "I've checked on her as much as I can. She's not in a five star resort, but she's alive and kicking. Now, onto buisness.

"This term shouldn't differ too much from last," I tell them, "right now the Dark Lord's focus isn't on the school, in fact, he couldn't care less what goes on here, which means that the Carrows and Snape don't have to keep reporting to him. This doesn't mean, however, that they're going to relax. Because of the DA they haven't had full control of Hogwarts at any time, however, since the Dark Lord's attention is diverted, there's no pressure on them to tighten control."

"So, what you're saying is, nothing's changed?" Neville asks.

"That's the long and short of it, yeah," I nod, "I think the only change is that the Head Boy and Girl, Draco and I, have been given permission to use the Cruciatus curse on other students."

"At least you won't be docking points," Neville jokes.

"No promise," I smile. I go and sit down by Ginny.

"Where've you been?" Draco demands when I join him at dinner.

"Charms homework," I lie, "I messed up my essay."

"I thought we were going to work on it together?"

Damn. Quick, think of a lie!

"It was too bad to even let you read," I tell him, pretending to be embarrassed. Draco shakes his head at me.

"I know exactly how bad your essays can be," he mutters. I poke him with my elbow and start eating. After dinner we walk up to the library together and find a desk in the corner. I pull my Charms essay out and hand it to Draco to read while he slides his potions over to me.

"Oh, hi, guys!"

Pansy sits opposite us.

"Fancy seeing you two here," she says, plonking a pile of books on the desk, "how lucky!"

I give her a bored look and she narrows her eyes at me before smiling at Draco and moving her chair around so that she's right next to him.

"Can you help me with this Charms work?" she simpers. Draco raises his eyebrows at her. She laughs.

"I'm just kidding, who has trouble with Charms, right?" she laughs, "oh, wait! Autumn does. Draco, how does it feel to be married to an idiot?"

Blood is pounding past my ears. I want so badly to crucio her. I force myself to take a deep breath and ignore her. Draco seems to be following suit. Pansy continues to chatter on, exceedingly loudly. It's not until Madame Pince comes over and kicks us out that I realise why.

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