2. Him

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This Yule Ball has gone to all the girls' heads. All they talk about is dresses, make-up, hair and, of course, boys. Constantly boys, boys, boys! All the girls in my year seem desparate to go with Harry after his performance with the dragon. Parvati and Lavendar find every excuse to walk past him and say "Hi Harry!" then run off giggling. I don't know why they don't ask him. As for me, still dateless. Mum sent me my dressrobes yesterday. They're pretty. Deep purple with silver weave. I wanted to send them back and refuse to go, but then she'd know I didn't have anyone to go with and I don't want her sympathy, so I'll keep them and when she asks how it was I'll tell her it was fun. The hall looked beautiful with all the decorations and a boy in the year above me kissed his girlfriend right in the middle of the dancefloor! It's like I've already be-

"Miss Turner, when you're ready."

I look up and see McGonagall waiting by the classroom door, tapping her foot. I shove my journal into my bag and sling it over my shoulder, hurrying out.

"Sorry, professor," I mutter as I escape down the corridor. It's lunch time and my stomach is growling. I slide down the bannister to the next floor and nearly crash into two Slytherins.

"Sorry! Oh, hi," I nod to Draco. His father is friends with my father, so we've met each other a couple of times outside of school. He usually seems pretty shy outside of school. Inside school he's pretty confident.

The girl he's with is called Pansy, I think. She's giving me a dirty look while clinging to Draco's arm. I brush past them and continue down the hall way.

"Hey! Wait up!"

I turn and see Draco running after me. Pansy is glaring at us as we walk away.

"She your girlfriend?" I ask. Draco makes an irritated sound.

"No," he huffs, "she won't leave me alone. She wants me to take her to the ball, but I don't want to go with her."

"Why not?"

"She so. . . Clingy," he scowls, "she gets all whiny if I leave her alone for even a second."

"So go with someone else," I tell him.

"Like who?" he asks, "she's the only decent looking one in my year."


"I meant in Slytherin."

"Ask someone from another house, then," I suggest. He scoffs.

"I'm sure my parents would be thrilled," he says. I try not to roll my eyes.

"You're not going to marry them," I say, "it's a ball."

"Still," he sighs, "it would have to be someone who they would approve of. . ."

"Well, I'm hungry," I say, "good luck with it all."

I peel off to the Gryffindor table and start eating. Across from me Harry and Ron are discussing potential dates. I tune out. I don't want to hear that.


The next day as I'm walking into breakfast Draco calls out to me. I turn around and wait for him to catch up. Pansy is glaring at me from the top of the staircase.

"Hey," Draco greets me, "will you go to the ball with me?"

My mouth falls open. Draco blushes a little.

"See, I thought about what you said," he says quickly, "and you're the only one not in Slytherin who my parents would approve of me taking, and I really want to get her off my back."


"Autumn, please?"

I sigh.

"Yeah, okay," I agree. Draco's face lights up.

"Great," he says, "will you sit with me?"

"Whoa, I thought this was just going to be the ball?" I ask, frowning. He shrugs.

"If she thinks we're serious she might back off," he says, holding his hand out. I take it. It's warm and comfortable. He leads me over to the Slytherin table.

I have never felt so out of place.

Well, this was an interesting turn of events. Looks like I'll be going to the ball after all. And with a partner! I have a feeling once Pansy finds out I'll need to have my wand with me at all times. It might be fun with Draco. We'll have to see.


Sorry about updating late, had a pet emergency :P Hope you like it!

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