Chapter 63

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Emerald's POV

When the commotion started downstairs, it was quiet enough for me not to care. I could hear the guards rushing around and questioning each other, as confused as I was. I didn't think too much of it, until the first wolf howled.

The howl chilled me to the bones, in both the fact that there was another werewolf somewhere around me, and in the sense that I hadn't heard that sound in what felt like forever. I stood up and walked around the room, pacing, anxious and confused. Were there other packs around me? I wracked my brain trying to remember something, anything, from before I woke up this morning. But I always ended up blank.

Not long after the sound of the howl was growls, shouts, and all sorts of cries of pain. There were no windows in my room, no other doors that would allow me to leave the room and understand what the hell was going on. I was stuck in the bedroom and left to pace, confused and slightly afraid.

It wasn't long until the noises got closer, and I guessed something was happening downstairs. Many men were talking to each other, and although I couldn't hear what they were saying, it sounded rushed, and slightly afraid. Whatever was happening downstairs, it was serious. And I was stuck up here left to guess.

After a while of the men downstairs, the voices quieting and then growing louder again every few minutes, I heard the smash of a door and growls. Werewolf growls.

My skin rose in goosebumps, and I put my ear up to the door just to make sure. Werewolves were here. I had no idea if they were rogues, nearby wolves, or even wolves I knew, but I grew more and more anxious every second. What if they were here to help me from the crazy hunter who was my mate? Oh goddess, please let that be it.

"What's going on! Let me out!" I finally screamed, out of options.

More ruckus happened downstairs, more growls, and eventually, a yelp. I banged on the door for a while, but nothing happened. I cursed, pacing restlessly around my room.

It wasn't long before I heard footsteps outside the door and it opened as I turned to look at it.

"Let's go." Nikolai ordered, immediately coming over and grabbing me by the arm, dragging me out of the room.

I struggled out of his grip, but he remained iron strong. "Where the hell are we going? Let go of me! What just happened!" I yelled at him, barely keeping up with the pace he was pulling me at. I wanted to growl and scratch him, but alas, I wasn't exactly connected with my wolf at the moment.

He snarled at me, but didn't stop his pace. Clearly we were in a hurry. For what, and to where, he wanted me to be kept out of the loop of.

I grew angrier every second we continued walking—well, more like dragging—but I stayed silent. Saying anything had gotten me nowhere.

We ended up in front of a locked door, but Nikolai unlocked it and revealed the dark staircase below. I shuddered, creeping back, but Nikolai dug his nails into my skin, stopping me.

"Listen. If you cooperate and listen to me like a fucking mate should, then I'll be nice. I just need you to do one thing; one thing, and I promise after that I will turn my whole act around. I'll treat you like the queen you deserve to be treated like. Just do this one thing for me." He wasn't begging, wasn't even asking. It was more of a statement. But the gears were already working inside my head. He'll be nice. Maybe, possibly, I could trick him into unknowing letting me escape. Maybe if I did this one thing he was demanding, I could get out.

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