Chapter 4

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Emerald's POV
I found the heaviest thing I could find, which happened to be a suitcase that was in the spare, empty closet, and threw it at the window. Even though I was three stories up, with werewolf skills I'd be able to jump and land with barely getting hurt.

The glass didn't even crack, but the suitcase made a loud sound that could be heard from downstairs probably even though this room was most likely soundproof.

"Ugh, how hard is this going to be?" I said quietly to myself.

I picked up the suitcase and threw it at the window again, this time with more force. It made even louder a sound, but not a dent done to the window. I heard footsteps out in the hallway and picked up the suitcase again. Just as I was about to throw it a third time, Damon walked in and gave me a questioning eyebrow.

"Those windows are bulletproof. Do you really think a cheap suitcase will break it?" He smiled at me, confirming that he was amused.

"I can still test physics," I huffed, throwing it a third time.

"You throw anything more and I'll bring you downstairs where we're discussing how to defeat your pack if they attack."

"Don't you touch them. I was supposed to be Luna of the Blackstone-Valentino pack so they are my utmost concern, but you kinda messed that up, didn't you?"

Someone started walking towards us from the hallway. Damon turned around and I could sense the annoyance coming off him.

"Alec, why are you up here?" Damon asked icily.

"I heard a noise, and our alliance requires me to help out." He directed his gaze at me and smiled a handsome, tooth grinning, and most likely panty dropping smile.

"And you are?" He asked in a voice that usually would've made me think twice about getting married to Nate, but I said nothing.

"Emerald Valentino." I smiled back at him, a little too friendly-like.

"Stop that," He hissed, walking towards me.

"Don't touch me physco! I don't want any part of you or your demonic pack," He smiled at me before he was suddenly right in front of me.

"Oh really," He whispered low, only to me, "So this," he placed hand on the side of my neck stroking the spot I would be marked, sending shivers down my spine, "doesn't affect you in any way?" He smiled and I trembled before shuddering out, "N-no, it d-doesn't." His smirk disappeared and he snided "Liar," before going back to deal with his 'friend'.

"Ah, I get it. She's your mate." Alec smiled before turning around and walking away.

"I'll leave you two to the pup making then," He shouted and a heat creeped up my cheeks.

I was not blushing. I never blush.

Damon went up to the door and locked it before placing the key back in his front pocket.

He turned around to face me.

"So, the pup making," He started.

"I would never have your pups." I promised, making Damon's eyes turn black for like the third time today.

"Well I'm the only person who's pups you'll ever have, so I suggest you get used to the idea, darling." He spat out, walking towards me. I backed away into the wall but he continued to come forward.

"I would have pups with Nate, however." I smiled just to mock him.

Instantly, he was in front of me. I looked away but he grabbed my chin gently making me look at him.

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