Chapter 22

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Alec's POV
Sylvia was laying next to me, her hair in a mess and her body hidden under the sheets.

Our breaths were heavy and loud and I'm sure we were both sweaty.

"You ready for round three?" I asked her, in between pants.

Instead of answering me, she got up on top of me and took matters into her own hands.

And fvck, it was amazing.


Emeralds POV (one day later)


That's all I felt at this point.

I had just reached the middle point of my heat, and if it got any hotter, I wouldn't be able to take it. Its like I had been thrown into a pit that led to the depths of hell. Everything was slowly getting hotter and hotter until you were finally in the flames.

I hissed in pain for the thousandth time and Valery looked at me in concern.

"Emerald I need to-" She said with a concerned voice.

"We are not getting Damon." I growled out, clenching my jaw to keep from screaming in pain.

"Emerald please-"

"No Valery! He's got important stuff to do!" I reasoned with her. She dabbed the ice cold towel on my forehead again but it didn't help in the slightest.

Goddess, why did I have to go into heat now?


I opened my mouth to say something but she put a hand up signaling me not to even try.

"At least let me get the doctor again. Please," She begged.

I shook my head, quickly regretting it as my muscles burned. The doctor said this morning that if the heat got any worse she would have to call Damon. I kicked her out after that.


Just then, the pack doctor walked through the doors and gasped when she saw me on the bed.

"Too late." Valery muttered, looking guilty.

I cringed as more fire burnt my entire body.

"Emerald, this has gotten ten times worse than any normal heat should have progressed at this stage in heat. If it escalates even a little more, this could possibly be fatal." The doctor informed as she dabbed my neck with the ice cold towels.

"I'm f-fine really. Please, don't get Damon." I tired giving her my best pleading look but she didn't even spare a glance at my face.

"I'll be right back." Valery said, exiting the room and running downstairs.

"Doctor he can't come home early." I told her.

"Why not lun- Emerald? Why are you so against him coming home to help you?"

I felt more sweat gather in every crevice as the heat pursued further.

"Be-because he is doing alpha work, and that's too important to just come back home for. Besides, he made me promise I'd be fine. As long as he doesn't know I'm not, I'm ok, right?"

The doctor gave me a sad smile and continued to tend to my aching, burning body.

"Do you honestly think that even if he was in war you wouldn't be his first priority? It's not like he went to do anything extremely important. He left to find out if you-" She quickly cut herself off, a look of panic crossing her face.

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