"But you are. I can see right through you Ragna," Klaus said, a sly smile appearing on his lips. "You just don't know it."

"I know my own feelings Klaus," Ragna growled, huffing her way down the steps to meet him at the bottom. "Now, what do you want?"

"I wanted to make sure you didn't conspire against me with our enemies," Klaus glared at her.

Ragna puffed, "Puh-lease. Do you think that I'd follow their leads? They're a bunch of blabbering wankers."

"And those blabbering wankers found the way to destroy you," Klaus mentioned, "They're smarter than they appear."

"And I know everything," she grinned. "I know that I am old enough to be ancient, along with all of my possessions when I was human. If anything survived for 2,000 years it's locked up safe and sound and probably in Norway."

"They may not have the resources Ragna, but determination is all people need to succeed," Klaus argued.

"So we strike back," Ragna told him. "If they want war then we will give them a blitzkrieg."

"How do you say we go about to that?" Klaus asked, "I mean I went after the brother, struck the teacher, and still no coffins."

"Go after the weakest link," Ragna told him.

"None of them are weak," Klaus sighed," They'll do anything to stop them."

"Then which one is in their group, but the outsider?" Ragna asked.

Klaus thought for a moment. "The witch. She's the odd one out. Not a complete damsel human, and she hates vampires."

Ragna nodded, "You got it mate. She's out of town looking for her mom. Have a hybrid trail her, but don't strike her, she's powerful. Strike the mother, she's a runner. The weakest link."

Klaus grinned maliciously. "You're bloody brilliant. You know that don't you?"

"Of course I do."

Klaus sat at the bar in the Mystic Grill with a glass of bourbon in front of him and Ragna beside him.

She stared at him as he spoke on the phone with Daniel. Klaus told him about the plan with Bonnie's mom and his role in it.

"How's life on the road?" Klaus asked Daniel.

"Scenic," he answered, "How's life in Mystic Falls without any hybrids?"

Klaus sighed, "Boring. For now."

"If you want any of us back, you just have to say the word," Daniel told him.

"There's no need. I've been making friends with the town civil servants," Klaus chuckled, "There's a deputy, obnoxiously chatty, but useful nonetheless. You're clear, what you need to do?"

"I got it covered." Daniel answered.

"He's doing it?" Ragna asked.

"Obviously," Klaus scoffed, "Sire bond and all."

"Right," Ragna mumbled looking around the bar. "Did you know Bonnie could sense me when she used her magic, so could Gloria."

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