(Carolina's makeup^^)

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(Carolina's makeup^^)

"What shoes are you using?"I asked her.

"Im using my white Adidas."she said.

"Okay I'm going downstairs to get my phone, keys, money, and get your stuff cuz were going to leave."I said.

"Okay."she said as she started to put her shoes on.

I walked downstairs, getting my things and sat on the couch and waited for Carolina.

*Ding*Ding* of course it was my phone.

2 messages

I opened Cameron's text.

Cam❤: Lindsay, I'm in Alex party, what time are you coming?

Me: meet you in 5 minutes. 💘

Cam❤: ok be careful, ily💕

Me: ilyt😙

Then I opened Ethan's text.

Ethan😴❤: Hey Salice, I'm entering to Alex house with Grayson, what time are you coming?

Me: I'll see you in 5 minutes💃💜

Ethan😴❤: ok bbg💖, see you later💃😂😏

Me: see you later loser😂💋💃

I turned of my phone off and see Carolina walking downstairs.

"Im ready."she said.

"Okay well let's go." I said and opened the door for Carolina.

"Ladies first."I said.

"Then what the heck are you?"she said laughing while walking outside.

"Im a kid gurllll."I said laughing while closing/locking the door and walking towards Carolina.

We started walking and talked through the way. Alex house was 3 minutes away.

"Can I ask you something?"I asked her.

"Shoot it."she said.

"Do you like Grayson."I asked her.

"Well your my bestfriend, sister, so I'm going to tell you the truth, I do like him."she said. Ha ha confess mother fucker. I still lover her.

"My baby has a crush, my baby has a crush."I sang while walking.

"Stop it Lindsay Nicole Salice Rose."she said.

"But you love me."I said and gave her my puppy face.

"Yes I do."she said and stopped and kissed me in the cheek.

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