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The night has come. Dahyun was waiting for mark on their dorm building rooftop.

Dahyun's pov

I laid down on a mat, staring at the stars. It was a mesmerizing and calming moment. I took a look at my phone, it's already 11.15 past morning. No text, no call or sign from him. *sigh. Is he going to come? Should I text him?

End of dahyun's pov

Mark's pov

I opened my eyes, realizing myself still laying on my bed. My stomach growled. Urgh, I haven't have dinner yet. I prepared myself to go out for dinner and reached for my phone. I unlocked it and some notifications appeared, including this one.

From dahyun :

Are you coming?

Oh, no. I forgot about it. I looked to the clock, 11.43 p.m . I rushed to the kitchen, poured hot water into a instant cup noodle and brought it with me. I'm hungry tho.

As I reached the rooftop. I saw her, laying down on a map with her eyes closed. Beside her were some light snacks. Is she having a picnic?

I walked towards her slowly and sat beside her. She looks cute, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. "Dahyun..", I called her softly to check if she was really sleeping.

She opened her eyes and seemed shocked.

End of Mark's pov

Dahyun changed her position from laying to sitting. She stared at mark for some time. Mark stared back. Mark then spoke to break the silence.

Mark : I'm sorry. I fell asleep.

Dahyun: it's okay. I'm sorry too for what had happened this morning.

Mark : it's okay, it's not your fault. *sigh . so, you invited me here just to say sorry?

Mark started eating his instant noodle.

Dahyun: umm, not really. Hey, you looked so hungry. It looks like you haven't eat for days. I'm gonna just let you finish eating first. Dahyun chuckled.

Mark just nodded and continued eating.

Mark: I'm finished.

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