Chapter Twenty

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Three days in the den of the devil himself but Abigail refused to give in. She was a strong woman, accustomed to abuse, well acquainted with the fists of a man. That was why no matter how many times Chief or his men hit her across the face, no matter how many blows she got in the torso, she could never lead him to Sisi. He could threaten death all he wanted but one thing he didn't know was that she had died four years ago when her son was killed.

There were days she was beaten into a coma. She would float in the river of unconsciousness and would be relieved of the pain she experienced but even that could not make her talk.

Chief was frustrated, she could see that. Her silence both puzzled and angered him. He would stare at her, the look of death glistering in his eyes, his nostrils flaring, his presence menacing. But, she wasn't afraid. Men like Chief thrived on fear. She knew, if she gave him an inkling that she was afraid, he would pounce on her like a hungry lion and tear her down.

And so, for three days she stood her ground. Until today. Chief had figured out her weakness and was using it against her. He had kidnapped a child, who appeared to be barely three years old and held a gun to her head.

“You have ten seconds to tell me where Sisi is or I will kill her” He said, pointing the gun at the child who wailed loudly, her eyes reflecting her fear. “It took me a while but I finally realized it. You might not care for your own life but you certainly care for the life of others. It was due to this that you became a Doctor. It was also the same reason you remained a Doctor even after your son was killed by your husband. And finally, it was the reason you could not mind your business, the reason you abducted my wife!” He said, yanking her hair. She let out a soft yelp, her energy drained. “Ten... Nine... Eight...”

She cried. How could she have been this stupid not to have taken Chief to be a serious, dangerous threat?

“Five... Four...”

“Please...” The words barely left her lips when she heard a loud sound and the child's wailing ceased.

“I told you, ten seconds”

“No!” She cried, her hands clutching her stomach. “No, please”

“You are as much responsible for this child's death as I am. You either tell me where Sisi is or I'll kill more children! I will kill as many as it takes to get you to confess”

“You are a monster!”

“Tell me something I don't know” He laughed. “We are all monsters. Some of us try to fight it, it makes us feel better than the others. But the wise ones, we embrace it and use it to our advantage. Didn't God himself say the heart of men is desperately wicked?”

“Your heart is the blackest of them all!” She yelled. Her mind was spinning as her eyes looked frantically for an escape route. Where did she even know she was running to? For all she knew, there were men outside with guns. Should she kill herself? Death seemed like the only escape out of this mess.

“You know, I like you” He walked over to where she laid on the floor and jerked her up by her hair. “I like the smell of you” He licked her face. She jerked her head and spat in his eyes. He let out a laugh, letting go of her. “Where is Sisi? I will ask you for the last time, the next time I ask, you won't like how I will ask”

“All I have is a number” She was afraid of this monster and what he was capable of.

He pulled out his cell phone. “Call it” He said and she did, hoping the call wouldn't go through as he handed the phone to her. She was horrified when after the third ring, she heard Remi's voice.

“Hello” He sounded happy. Oh Remi, what had she done!

“Remi” She held back tears. She wanted to fall into his embrace and have him wipe her pain away. She wanted him to encourage her, to tell her everything would be fine, to tell her she hadn't just betrayed him by giving Chief his number.

“Aby” His voice sounded like a healing balm poured over her broken heart. Aby was a strong woman, a woman who had endured the worse of abuse from a man she loved. A woman whose son was taken away from her but whose courage could never die. A woman who was battered and bruised but would never stay down.

Chief yanked the phone from her hand and spoke to Remi. She shut her mind to the conversation and tried to think of ways she could right her wrong.

“What is your name?” Chief nudged her.

“Abigail” She looked him square in the face. My name is Abigail and the last monster I faced like you, ended up dead. Ask around.

Author's note:

Hey guys. Thanks for taking out time to read my story, it makes writing a lot easier to know there are people who actually take out time to read. Please remember the star icon(vote) and do leave a comment, that way I can connect with you.

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