Chapter Seventeen

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Chief Ade was not much of a talker; talking was for weaklings. He believed instead in actions for like the saying goes; action speaks louder than words. But as he stared at the two men before him, the overwhelming urge to yell almost crippled him. He was losing his patience with these dumb men he hired to stalk the Doctor who kidnapped his wife. But after five months, they stood before him with no information whatsoever about where Sisi could be hiding.

In truth, he missed Sisi and the thrill she brought to his life. He could have all the women in the world but none could compare to his Sisi, his beautiful, young, vibrant Sisi. She had been so young when he took her from her parents. The look of fear in her eyes whenever she saw him brought so much satisfaction his way and rightfully so.

Women were an object and he on the other hand, was a king that deserved to be feared. If a woman didn't fear a man, she would have the audacity to cheat on him; like his mother cheated on his father.

His father had been a weakling, love had made him a weakling that was why his mother could bring a man, everyday his father was at work in the train station, home. After years of infidelity, his father had finally come home to his cheating mother. In anger, he reached for his cutlass and stabbed her in the stomach, killing her. She deserved to die but the law didn't see it the same way Ade saw it, instead, his father was sentenced to death by hanging. Young and homeless, Ade vowed he would never let a woman ruin him like his mother ruined his father. He would always be in control. Hence, Sisi.

But now, his Sisi was taken away from him and the realization drove him crazy.

“Bring her to me” He faced the men who stood before him. “Bring the Doctor, Abigail to me. I have had enough of this game. I'm getting Sisi back and I don't care how. ”

"Sir, with more time, I'm sure she will lead us to Sisi" One of the men insisted.

"How much more time?! " Chief roared." If you do not bring back the Doctor with you by tonight, you will have me to contend with " He said." This ends tonight "


Abigail pushed open the front door of her Apartment and let herself in. She reached for the switch by the left side of the wall, close to the front door and turned it on, lighting up the dark room.

Her Apartment didn't consist of many things. It was a typical Apartment for a single woman with no one else to care for other than herself. It was a one room Apartment with a bathroom, a small living room, and a kitchen. She had moved in four years ago; only a year after her seemingly perfect world had come crashing down. A year after her child was killed.

She stepped away from the door and closed it behind her. She needed to pull herself together, to let go of the past before it destroys her completely but how was she supposed to get past all that had happened, all that she had been through? She walked toward the tiny television in the living room and picked up a framed picture that stood on top. An eight year old boy with two missing front teeth smiled at her. He wore a blue jersey and held a ball in his hands. 

“Samuel...” She ran her thumb down the side of his face.

“Mum!” She heard his voice. “I finally scored!” He announced, his face beaming with excitement.

“I know. I watched the whole thing. Oh, I'm so very proud of you!” She gave him a hug and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

She stood in the living room, her hands wrapped around herself, tears streaming down her face. “I'm proud of you... ” She whispered.

And she was. Her little boy was her angel, her hero. He was her strength and when the time came, he gave up his life for her. And she hated herself for what had happened to him. If only she stood up for herself and her son, if only she had been brave enough to leave Stephen, her husband. Why had she stayed long enough to let him ruin her life completely? To let him kill her son?

In that moment, she saw Stephen, his hands poised to hit her across the face. They had been arguing as usual and just as always, Stephen had resorted to violence.

“You are first of all my wife before you are a doctor and you will do exactly as I say” He yelled. She had returned home late from the Hospital that night. But what choice was she left with, Stephen was a lazy drunk who did nothing but sit at home and complain. She had to work to provide for her son.

“You of all people should know the reason I must work!” She hissed. “You are too useless to me. You sit there and do nothing, all you do is complain”

Samuel sat by the corner of the room, tears streaming down his face.

“What did you say to me?” Stephen demanded.

“You heard me! Useless! I have to be everything to our son; father and mother. You, you are completely incompetent and incapable of being a man!”

He charged at her with so much force, she tasted blood.

"Mum! " Samuel ran to try to help her but a blow landed on his jaw that sent him, head first, crashing down on the glass table that stood in the middle of the room. The injury was too severe for him to survive. Even as a doctor, she had been powerless to save her only child.

A knock sounded on the door, pulling her back to the present. She wiped her face, thankful for the timely intervention of that knock; she would have sunk back into depression if she hadn't heard the knock. She made her way to the door and opened it. A gun was pointed at her. 

Author's note:
After a really long week, too long and boring to tell, I finally get the chance to actually sit and write. It feels really good.

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