Chapter Fourteen

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The sound of her muffled cries against her pillow made Remi feel worse. He closed his eyes and tried to drown out her cries but he couldn't. He wanted so badly to take her in his arms but he knew she wanted nothing to do with him, she was a married woman after all. Why did his heart ache for this married woman? Why did he want this one, of all women, to be his? Seven years since his wife died and he falls in love with a married woman. He was such an idiot.

He put a pillow over his head and closed his eyes. He could not bear to have her reject him once more and call his love a sin but he valued her more than he valued his ego. He turned to her and drew her close. She didn't protest.

“My love” He said. She turned to face him and he saw a reflection of the love he felt for her in her eyes. “Why are you pushing me away?” She shook her head as tears flowed easily down her face. “I can't bear to see you cry” He said as he wiped her cheeks with his thumb before letting go of her and returning to his own side of the bed.

He didn't want to force her or threaten her into loving him back neither did he want to harass or bully her into it. He would go back to work tomorrow to give her the distance she needed in the day time but he wouldn't budge on the issue of her sleeping in his room. Settling on a decision, he closed his eyes and fell asleep and dreamt about the only woman who invaded his dreams lately; Sisi.

Sitting on the guest room floor with Jesse seated right next to her, helping out, Jummy was being given a much deserved foot rub by Sisi one evening. She was seven months gone already and she looked swollen all over. She knew she could get used to being pampered by Sisi and so, she fought against it but Sisi was stubborn, constantly treating Jummy like an egg that could be broken. Jummy smiled at the woman as she rubbed her right foot while Jesse rubbed the left.

She laid back, giving up on her protest. She might as well enjoy the treatment while it lasts. She knew that more than any where else, she was loved and welcome in this house and maybe, just maybe she could be a part of this family if Remi would consider hiring her as a live-in maid when she gives birth. A soft knock sounded on the door in that moment.

“Come in!” Jesse ordered without taking her eyes off of the foot she was massaging diligently.

Remi walked into the room with plastic bags in his hands. Jummy watched as Sisi's countenance fell at the sight of him. Her heart ached for Sisi. The woman was conflicted about something but Jummy knew it was not a question of whether she loved him or not. She had watched them for the past month and she knew without a doubt that they loved each other so what was the problem? She frowned.

“I bought ice cream!” He announced.

Jesse flung Jummy's foot like a piece of trash and headed for the ice cream. Sisi laughed at her action and glanced at Remi who grinned. Jesse stood in front of him and began bouncing up and down like a ball.

“Yay!” She said joyfully.

“Wash your hands and follow me. Have Sisi wash it for you” He glanced at her. “There is enough ice cream here to feed an army so everybody, meet me in the kitchen”

They all complied and did what they were told and ten minutes later, they were seated in the living room, ice cream in hand, watching a movie. After about thirty minutes, Jummy gathered all the ice cream bowls in hand and made for the kitchen. She washed all the bowls and placed them back where they belonged then walked back to the living room where she could see Jesse fighting not to sleep. She shook her head and walked over to her.

“Let's go” She said, holding out her hand to her. The little girl took it without hesitation. “Good night” She smiled at Remi and Sisi.

“Good night daddy!” Jesse gave Remi a hug before turning to Sisi. “Good night” She grabbed her and planted a kiss on her cheek. Sisi smiled and kissed her right back before letting go of her. With Jesse in hand, Jummy walked out of the living room.

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