Chapter Thirteen

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Heaving a tired sigh, Remi leaned down and planted a kiss on Jesse's forehead as she lay sleeping. It had been a nightmare getting her to fall asleep—it always was, which was why he was thankful for Sisi's presence. Sisi appeared to possess the magic to put Jesse to sleep easily, but unfortunately for him, tonight Sisi went to bed early.

Straightening, he turned and made his way out the door to his room. He pulled off his shirt and took in his image in the mirror; he was exhausted. He needed help; he needed a wife.

He thought of Sisi. She would make a good wife and an excellent mother, he mused, even if he had no business thinking of what kind of wife and mother she would make. He shook his head to shake the thought away. If he continued to think such thoughts, it would be disastrous.

Turning from the mirror, he made to settle in bed, when a shrill sound stopped him in his tracks. He gasped, turning sharply to the door as the image of Sisi flashed before his eyes. Propelled by that image, he grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head as he stormed down the stairs to her room.

He reached her door and paused, confused. It didn't seem proper to barge in on her while she slept, for she had made it clear in the past that she wanted to be left alone. He didn't wish to endure another quarrel with her by disregarding her wishes.

As he stood, considering his options, he heard her scream again.

Damning the consequences, Remi pushed the door open and stepped into the room. He saw Sisi then, seated upright on the bed with her legs folded before her.

Slowly, he stepped forward, circling the bed until he was standing before her. It was then he saw the tears that stained her face.

She scrambled from the bed then, falling to her knees before him. Clasping her hands in a prayer stance, she mumbled something he couldn't hear.

"Sisi..." He stepped forward, causing her to scramble to her feet and back away. "Sisi," he tried again, reaching for her. But she fell to her knees once more, and letting out a blood-curdling scream, she collapsed on the floor.

Horrified, Remi fell to his knees and gathered her broken form in his arms. She stared wide eyed at him; her form was limp as she lay in his arms. Yet, he knew she couldn't see him, for she appeared to be in some sort of trance.

"Sisi!" Her sweat wetted his skin as he held her close. Trembling with fear, he patted her cheek. "Please, Sisi!" He shook her, trying and failing to get her to respond. "Sisi, I am here. I won't leave you ever again. I won't let that man hurt you." He cradled her against himself.

Lifting her up in his arms, he placed her on the bed. He positioned himself beside her and pulled her close, whispering words of comfort in her ears. Her body was too still for his liking, he thought as he stared down at her. Her gaze was fixed on nothing in particular, and her mouth stood agape.

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