Chapter Ten

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Jummy walked into Sisi's room and made her way to where Sisi sat on a chair that faced the window, her hands resting on her knees. She seemed lost and far away. Jummy thought it was strange that Sisi was here but still, she wasn't here.

Sisi was found like this a week ago, trapped in her mind. She said nothing and seemed to have lost her ability to fend for herself which is why Remi had hired Mrs Joke, Jummy's mother, to work for him full time. He had explained that Sisi needed all the care in the world because she was sick but secretly, Mama said Sisi was a witch and her spirit had returned to her evil kingdom.

Jummy laughed at her mother's foolish way of thinking as  she approached Sisi and knelt down beside her. She touched her hand.

“How are you?” She asked, feeling foolish but remembering the fact that Remi had instructed that they hold conversations with Sisi as often as possible. “You know, my little boy is doing just fine. And, yes, I believe it's a boy too even though I don't want to know the sex yet” She touched Sisi's hand. “Mama still doesn't know I'm carrying”

She reached for Sisi's night gown and began to work to take it off; Remi had instructed that she be given a sponge bath. She carried the night gown in her hands and walked briskly to the bathroom where she filled a bowl with water and carried the soap and sponge in another bowl. She walked back to the room and placed the two bowls on the floor and began to clean her body gently.

Sisi bore a lot of bruises; most were not so visible but a few were. She bore lash marks on her back and a few cut marks on her thighs.

Jummy worked hurriedly so Sisi wouldn't get cold. When she was done, she used a towel to wipe her body and went ahead to dress her. She picked out a pair of jeans and a red T shirt that said HELLO!

Standing up from her kneeling position, she took the bowl and emptied the dirty water in the bath tub. She then walked back to where Sisi sat and sat down beside her. At that moment, the baby inside her kicked and she laughed.

“Oh Sisi, you were so right, it's a boy!” She exclaimed as she brought Sisi's hand to rest on her stomach. The baby kicked again and Sisi blinked.

Jummy felt sorry for the woman that sat before her. She had obviously suffered a lot but she didn't let her sufferings make her a horrible person. Instead, she was one of the few people Jummy had met that she actually liked.

“I know you are going to be fine and everything will turn out just fine” Jummy said but Sisi didn't respond.

Remi settled into bed with Sisi that night and pulled her close, her head resting on his chest. She fit so perfectly in his arms, it almost felt like she belonged there. She wore one of the pajamas he had picked out for her at the store the day they went shopping and her hair was packed in a bun. She smelled of lavender and fresh roses. Jummy was doing a good job keeping her clean.

He leaned sideways to pick up his Bible and began to read from the book of Romans. 

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” He breathed against her hair.

He placed the Bible on the night stand and wrapped his arms around her. Memorizing from his head, he continued.

“For I am convinced Sisi, that neither death nor life, neither Angels nor Demons... ” He sighed as he pictured her husband being a demon. “Neither the present nor the future, nor any power, neither height nor depth nor all of creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” He whispered as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

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