Chapter Nineteen

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Leaning backwards, Sisi stared into Remi's eyes, tears filling her own. How could she have been foolish enough to remain in a marriage that was non-existent, to stay with Chief for fifteen years, to allow him kill all five of her children, to let him deprive her of a childhood, a life?! She had been such an idiot, a consenting prisoner. Remi reached out with his thumb and wiped her tears.

“Don't cry” He whispered, pulling her into a warm embrace.

She broke down and wept, her body trembling with anger and relief. She no longer belonged to Chief, she never did. She no longer had to stay with him or seek for a divorce. She no longer had to be afraid of loving Remi or feel guilty.

“I'm such an idiot” She wept.

He loosened his hold on her and looked her square in the face, a frown on his face. “You were a child who was taken advantage of and deprived for so long, you could never have figured it out. Neither could I, until I spoke to a lawyer. Don't blame yourself”

But could she really not blame herself? Hadn't she been the one who had accepted to stay on as Chief's prisoner, hadn't she been the one who was so crippled by fear that she couldn't run away, hadn't she been the one who allowed him kill her son, her precious son, wasn't she the one who held the knife? It was all her fault, her life turned out the way it did because she had allowed it happen to her.

She fell to her knees, her hands clutched together in front of her. She could never forgive herself, she could never move past her guilt.

“Sisi” Remi sat on the kitchen floor and pulled her close. “None of what happened is your fault”

She shook her head. He didn't know, he had no idea but every time Chief abused her, she was a consenting victim. She gave her body, her mind to Chief to manipulate.

“All those children... ” She whispered. “All those children could have survived”

“No, they couldn't. You were abused, Sisi. I know it sounds cruel but bringing up children in that kind of abuse would have been horrible; for you and for them. Chief would have turned his abuse on your children also”

Yes, perhaps dying was a good thing. Her children's death was a blessing to them for they were spared the kind of life she was forced to live. She nodded. He rose up and pulled her up with him, a smile on his face.

“Good thing is, I am here to protect you now and I don't intend on letting this Chief get away with what he did. He better prepare for I'm bringing the war to him.”

“You can't fight Chief. I think we should just let it go and move on” She was afraid. Chief might not be her husband but he was still as powerful as ever. 


Remi's mind was occupied with so many ways he could get justice for Sisi ever since he found out that she was never married and had been kept a prisoner. But here she stood, telling him to let it go. He could never let that monster go, he would hunt him down and put him in a prison befitting monsters like himself.

“I'm not letting him go without a fight either. It's high time that he is punished for his crime.”

“Remi!” Fear reflected in her eyes. “Please let it go, seeking revenge won't change anything. It will just make things worse”

“Revenge is not what I seek, Sisi. What I seek is justice for you, my love” He touched her face. “And to make sure that monster never lays a finger on you, ever again.” He could see from her countenance that she wasn't convinced. “Let's not discuss this, we will talk about it later. In the mean time, we should check on Jesse” He motioned towards the door when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He reached for it. There was no caller ID. “Hello?”



He heard a shuffle in the background, then a male's voice. “You are the one who is keeping Sisi?” 

“Who is this?” He demanded.

“Her husband, the man you stole her from. The man who wants her back.”

Remi felt the blood drain from his face. He turned to see Sisi standing beside him, her eyes filled with inquiry. He strolled a little distance away from her.

“What do you want?” He whispered into the phone.

“I thought I made it clear. I want Sisi, my wife”

“Does it matter that she doesn't want to see you?” Remi asked, anger lacing his voice.

“Does it matter that I have a knife pressed against... What's her name?” A soft whisper followed in the background. “Yes, Abigail... Abigail's neck?” His voice was menacing.

Remi almost passed out. Aby was in danger, what was he going to do?

“Give Sisi this message; twenty four hours to return to me or I won't just kill Abigail but I will hunt you down and kill you and everything that means anything to you, then I will take back what belongs to me. Time starts now” He said before ending the call.

Remi put the phone back in his pocket, his hands trembling. Abigail was in trouble and it was all his fault. He was so busy worrying about Sisi, he hadn't bothered to check on her.

“Remi, are you okay?” Sisi touched his arm. He turned to look at her. How could he give her up in exchange for Aby and how could he stand still and watch Aby suffer in the hands of that monster, what was he going to do?

“Sisi, it's nothing, I'm fine” He lied, knowing he had twenty four hours to come up with a plan or lose everything.

Author's note:

I'm so glad you made it this far in the story. It's been a fun road so far. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, been busy with a lot. Now that you've made it this far, be nice and click that cute star icon at the bottom of your screen and please leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you.

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