Chapter Two

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Abigail hurriedly walked to her car, hoping she could dash in and out of the hospital before anybody noticed her absence. She was desperate to talk to her friend, Remilekun, even if she didn't think the conversation would go smoothly. Yet, she hoped it would, for Remi was incapable of refusing her anything, she thought, a smile claiming her face. It was true, since their reunion three years ago, Remi proved to be an indispensable part of Abigail's life. She needed him and she saw he enjoyed being needed. She, however, knew that this one request she was about to make would nearly drive him mad, and she wasn't wrong.

"Abigail, please tell me you are joking." He stared at her from across his desk, his eyelids widened several notches, his pen poised over the sheet of paper before him. She feared he might pass out.

"Remi, please," she swallowed, "I cannot ignore this anymore."

Sitting up straighter, he threw his pen to his desk. "And your solution to this problem is forgery?!" He spat out the word like it was poison. "You could lose your license to practice if you are caught. Have you gone mad?" He cocked his head to the side in search of telltale signs of madness.

She folded her arms in defiance. "Madness is calling what happened an accident. Madness is letting it continue. Have you seen the report? Dr. Yeni is the mad one!" She raised her chin, refusing to back down. And from the setting of Remi's jaw, she didn't think he was willing to back down, either.

Heaving a tired breath, she leaned forward across the desk and took his hands in hers. "This is not about me or you, it's about the patient. Think of her, Remi. She needs our help."

He watched her for several seconds, his fingers circling hers. "Aby," he whispered tenderly, "what happened with Samuel"—he shook his head—"is not your fault. You cannot try to make up for it by doing this."

She stared at him. If he thought bringing up her past would change her mind, he was wrong. Ignoring his statement, she carried on with her defense. "I am not letting this go!"

"Yes, you are!" He released her then, slamming his fist on the table. She didn't flinch. Remi knew not to try to scare her; she had been through too much to be afraid of him.

"If you won't help me, then it's fine." Her mind was made up. She rose to her feet and turned to the door.

"Aby!" he called, causing her to pause in her tracks. Heaving a loud breath, he said, "Let me see the report."

A small smile settled on her face then, and fighting to conceal it with a frown, she turned fully to him, producing the report from her bag and handed it to him. Mentally, she recited it as he read. It was Dr. Yeni's report on a comatose patient who had suffered a miscarriage, two broken ribs, and lacerations to her face and entire body. Still, Dr. Yeni wanted her discharged after only two days of being in the hospital.

Disgusted by the doctor's ridiculous report, Abigail had taken advantage of his rush to catch his plane to begin his six months' leave and had offered to hand in the report for him; it was how she gained custody of the report.

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