Chapter 29: The Finale Battle Part 1

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Dippers POV:
This is bad. Bill has physical form now and can do whatever he wants to. Stevonnie, Wendy and Star where in attack formation about to attack. First Stevonnie lunged at Bill blade out, but was sent back by a blast from his finger. Star shot a blast from her wand which Bill deflected back at her. Wendy swung her ax at Bill from behind who then deconstructed himself for a brief second to dodge the attack and followed up with an eye blast. Mabel fired the grappling hook at him hoping to poof him, but Bill grabbed the end and slung her across the house. Marco who was now up tried to attack but was sent back by Bill. Bill turned around and looked at me. "Ah, Pine Tree, looks like its just you and me now." Hr said. "Looks can be deceiving!" Wendy said in midair ax above head about to directly hit Bill. "Ha, that the best you've GOT!" He said blasting Wendy into a wall. "You think I would let you win that easily, think again." Star fired another blast that Bill deflected again. "You are all dumb. I've already won, give up now and I'll spare you, you could all be useful to me." He said. "I'd sooner die Bill, I know what your capable of, but I also know that as long as my heart beats and air goes in my lungs I know that I will never bow down to you." I said triumphantly. "Fine, have it YOUR WAY!!!" Bill said blasting a beam at me, I braced for impact, but never felt anything. I looked up and saw Stevonnie with a giant pink shield blocking the attack. "Go!" She said. I ran and the shield collapsed and Stevonnie took the full blast." "I'll take care of this!Get out of here!" "Ha, one down, or should I say two down." Bill said as Stevonnie started to glow, about to split. "Haha haha haha haha" Bill laughed. "Oh know." Wendy said. "Stevonnie!" Mabel cried. " ...heh... "It's nothing"...No... s-somehow, with just one hit...I'm already...Already..." She then fell to the ground and continued glowing. "Pearl... Amethyst...Garnet... Just like that, I...I've failed you." She said almost split in half. "Now who's next?" Bill asked. " No..." A booming voice let out. We all turned around to see a white glowing Stevonnie stabilizing. " My body... It feels like it's splitting apart. Like any instant... I'll scatter into a million pieces. But...Deep, deep in my soul. There's a burning feeling I can't describe. A burning feeling that WON'T let me die." She said as her form fully stabilized. "What?" Bill said. "No matter. When I finish you all I'll rule this world. " This isn't just about us anymore, is it?If you get past me, you'll...You'll destroy them all, won't you? Gems... Humans... Everyone...Everyone's hopes. Everyone's dreams. Vanquished in an instant." She said. "Wow, you catch on quick." Bill said. " But I WON'T let you do that. Right now, everyone in the world...I can feel their hearts beating as one. And we all have ONE goal. To defeat YOU. Demon. No, WHATEVER you are. For the sake of the whole world...I, STEVONNIE, will strike you down!" She said as she one again reformed with what looked to be pink glowing armor. She picked up Rose's sword and stood triumphantly. "OK, if that first one didn't do it for you how about THIS!!!" Bill said blasting another beam at Stevonnie. She brought one hand up and deflected the blast with a pink shield she summoned in that instant which withstood the blast. "Dipper, Mabel, get to the warp pad, find the Crystal Gems, we'll hold Bill off." "Who's we, your the only one left." "Steven and Connie are left, and as long as they are, I am." Stevonnie said. "Well tell them to have some of THIS!" Bill said firing another blast which Stevonnie once again blocked. "Your gonna have to try a little harder than THAT!!!" Stevonnie said as me and Mabel warped out.
To be continued...

Well I did a direct Undertale rip off. Well this part comes to a close and the next part is the finale

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