Chapter 27: Blame

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Mabel's POV:
Dipper has mostly filled me in on what happened in space, how he and the others stopped Aquamarine and how Stevonnie fought Onyx, man she's amazing. (Note: Dipper did not tell her about Stevonnie being a fusion) I wish he would tell me more like where's Marco and other stuff he's hiding. Then Stevonnie walked up to us, she greeted "Hello." "Hey" I said. "Dipper, come with me." She said. "What is it?" He asked. "The incident." She said. "Oh, do you think we can save him?" He asked. "Its unsure right now." "Hey, what you two talking about?" I asked. They stared at each other for a couple seconds. Stevonnie then said "Look, we didn't fully beat Onyx, Marco fused with her to hold her back." That was a major blow. "Is he OK?" I asked. "Hopefully." She replied. "But that isn't right, fusion shouldn't be used that way, right, it supposed to be a bond, not a power gain." Stevonnie clenched her fist. She was mad about something. "Look, not all gems, or people for that matter see fusion for what it is, some use it for power." She replied. "Man, you know a lot about fusion." I said. "That's because I am one." She replied. "Wait what?!?" I asked. "Its true, Stevonnie is a fusion of Steven and Connie." Dipper said. "Wow!" I said. "No time for introductions let's go."
(Time skip)
We were searching for Marco's fusion together. "OK, now I think I know where the fusion is." Star said. "OK, so where is it?" Wendy asked. "Its still hard to tell certainly." Star replied. "Then we wait." Stevonnie replied bluntly.  "What?" Star asked. "You heard me, we can't risk getting into more problems randomly searching, we have to be smart about this." She replied. "I understand, I just feel responsible for this, he did it for me, I can't shake the feeling he's gone forever and its all my fault." She said gripping the wand tightly in her hands. She was in emotional pain currently. "Look, we'll find him." Wendy said. "Yeah, and don't blame yourself, he did what he thought was the right thing, protect us, and Wendy's right, we'll find him, I promise." Stevonnie said. We then went back to the temple where Dipper and Star tried to locate Marco.

Bill's POV:
Well, there still looking for Sun, I can slip through, taking what I need. Deals shall be made, and I will have physical form. Let it be know, my reign is coming and these flesh bags won't know what hit em.

Well guys, I'm back and let's just say the fun is about to begin. See yah next time.

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