"Eh? Do I know you?"

Kyung, realising that he'd said the other's name out loud gasped.

"Sorry. I..I'll take that" He stuttered, grabbing his phone from the other. He stood up, dusting off his pants.

"How do you know my name?" Jiho asked, his perfectly shaped eyebrows rising in a just as perfect angle

"Oh, it's just that..w..well you go to my school"

'Plus you're kind of the biggest fuck boy in the entire school' Kyung finished in his mind.

He'd never been good with people in general, so talking with probably the most well known kid in school wasn't something he'd put on the list of things he wanted to do.

It wasn't like he minded Jiho as a person. Sure everyone thought he was a huge play boy but you can never truly know a person till you meet them and spend time with them. He was a living example of this statement as at one point Jaehyo and Taeil had believed him to be quiet and kind, but if you asked them now they'd tell a different story.

"Oh?" A smirk graced Jiho's lips

"Don't recall seeing you around" He cooly stated

Kyung laughed nervously

"Yeah I'm not someone who stands out much"

The other seemed like he was about to say something, but wasn't given a chance as a loud call interrupted him.


Kyung closed his eyes in embarrassment upon hearing the loud call that definitely belonged to his mother.

"There you are" She said, approaching him with another woman trailing behind her

"There's someone I'd like you to meet. Kyung, this is Mrs. Woo , she's the sister of the bride and a long time childhood friend"

"You had friends as a child" Kyung sputtered automatically, briefly forgetting he had company. His hands clapsed around his mouth as he realised his mistake.

He could hear Jiho chuckle beside him.

While his mother glared at him, Mrs. Woo didn't seem to mind, and instead gave him a heartwarming smile.

"I see you've met my son" She said, and Kyung in shock turned to look at Jiho

"He's your son? But you look nothing alike" He blurted out, once again not filtering his thoughts.

This was exactly why he was bad with people: he either didn't know what to say or had too much to say. Either way it never worked out for him.

Mrs. Woo laughed to his surprise

"You're right. Jiho gets most of his looks from his father"

Kyung could imagine. While Jiho's mother had a softer appearance and a more lighthearted demeanour, Jiho gave off a more pointed look. It wasn't like the other boy was all angles, but there was something about him- Kyung speculated that it was most likely his eyes- that gave him a sharper appearance.

"I like your child, he's got spunk, like you did when you were his age"

Both women went into a fit of laughter, and for a moment Kyung wondered if they were drunk.

"Listen Kyungie, we're gonna go catch up with the times and it might take a while. So how bout you and Jiho spend some time together, you know, get to know each other better"

Kyung hesitantly nodded, sneaking a glance at Jiho who currently looked like he couldn't give any less of a shit.

"Yeah, but whe-"

"Well then we'll catch you guys later" His mom interrupted, soon after dragging Jiho's mom away with her.

"- n will you be done?" Kyung finished lamely, watching the two women's figures dissapear.

He heard a sigh come from beside him and he turned to face Jiho who seemed genuinely annoyed

"Man I hate weddings" He grumbled.

"Yah, same"

Jiho turned to look at him, eyeing him up and down with slight interest

"So..." The supposedly 'playboy' began

"You go to my school. Might I ask what year?"

Kyung was slightly taken aback by the sudden question but decided to answer anyways.

"Second year"

He wasn't at all surprised to see the other's eyes widen

"Really? But you look so c-young" Jiho began

"I expected you to be in first year"

Kyung chose to ignore the fact that the taller had almost called him cute. He was aware that the other was a second year; pretty much the entire school knew about Jiho.

"Yeah...I get that a lot"

Jiho let out a low chuckle and Kyung couldn't help pouting

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing" The younger answered, his ever so perfect smirk returning.

"Woah, watch out"

Kyung gasped in surprise as he felt himself get pulled into the other. Jiho who still held a tight grip on his arm gestured to a man who was carrying around a platter of what looked like wine.

"He almost bumped into you"

Kyung watched, dumbfounded as the man walked away with his tray

"Thanks" He mumbled

"No problem." Jiho answered

" It's getting crowded in here. Let's go somewhere else"

Kyung immediately objected

"But our mom's said-"

Jiho rolled his eyes, carelessly throwing an arm around the older's waist

"I'm sure they'll find us if they look hard enough"

Kyung sighed.

If he had to be serious, the few minutes he'd spent with the other pretty much prooved him to be a stereotypical play boy.

He didn't mind though, as long as he had someone to talk to while the rest of the adults did whatever adults do at weddings.

He just hoped new of him spending time with Jiho didn't somehow get to school. The last thing he needed was uneccessary attention to himself.

But for now he didn't mind

I Don't mind (Zikyung: block b)Where stories live. Discover now