“What have you done to her?” I shouted

“I told you; I grow stronger, as little Ginny grows weaker. She’ll die...she gave too much of herself to my diary. She gave me life and now I can kill you; regain my power and become the greatest wizard that there ever was”

“Dumbledore is the greatest wizard” Harry snarled

“Dumbledore has been driven from this castle by the mere memory of me!”

A loud bird song overhead made us all turn to see Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix, fly into the chamber. He dropped what looked like that sorting hat into my arms and circled above us.

“So; Dumbledore sends his fighters a song bird and an old hat...let’s see how that matches up to the power of Slytherin’s monster.” He turned on the spot and hissed loudly toward a large stone statue of Salazar Slytherin’s head. “Let’s see how long you survive, Harry Potter” he eyed me and smirked as Slytherin’s stone mouth slid open and the Basilisk awakened.

“Eyes down” Harry warned me.

I did as I was told and waited fearfully as I heard the large snake slither toward us. I stared down at the hat which was still in my arms and gasped. There was something silver inside. I reached into the hat and pulled out a magnificent sword; I stared at it and in its reflection I saw a pair of large, round, yellow eyes staring unblinkingly at me.

I didn’t even have time to look away before I was consumed.

It was darkness for a long time; just like being asleep really, resting after a long, tiring day. I wasn’t uncomfortable but I could hear or see nothing, I could move nothing. Was I paralysed?

I swallowed, my mouth tasted weird...sweet yet bitter.


I opened my eyes and stared into Hermione’s face and frowned. “Am I dead?”

“No” she laughed and then hugged me “you worked it out! I can’t believe it!”

I sat up and scratched my head “why do you sound so surprised?”

“Not surprised...just happy.”

I was in the hospital wing. It was busier than normal and it took me a few seconds to figure out why. “Everyone’s woken?” I said to Hermione “does that mean that I...” she nodded “but Harry and Ron...and Ginny!”

“It’s ok! Everything’s fine. Harry and Ron are with Dumbledore now. I think Mr and Mrs Weasley are with them too. Ginny’s alive...from what I’ve heard.” She nodded and grinned happily.

“How long...”

She shrugged “I dunno, I just got woken up myself. Had the shock of my life to find that you were here too! Madame Pomfrey said that you’d only been here for about ten minutes before she started administering the potion.”

“I can’t believe I got petrified!” I wailed “where’s my dad?”

“I don’t think he knows” Hermione frowned “otherwise he’d be up here...he’s pretty protective like that.”

Just as she said it the hospital wing doors opened and dad rushed in; ignoring the startled look on the Matron’s face. “Hey, you are in so much trouble young lady!”

“Hi daddy.” I grimaced

He wasn’t too harsh on me; after he finished shouting at me for breaking rules and being idiotic by following Harry to what could have been my doom, he hugged me and all but sobbed into my hair. Another side of him I hadn’t seen.

“Never, never do that to me again” he pleaded as he let me go and then stood “come on; Dumbledore has arranged a feast.” And we left the hospital wing with the others.

I’ve only been at Hogwarts for two years, I’ve experienced a few feasts but they were nothing compared to this one. The castle was light again after all of those months in darkness. There was nothing more to worry about. We ate, chatted, hugged and celebrated until the early hours of the morning. Harry told us exactly what had happened; how he’d killed the Basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor, how he’d killed the diary with one of the snakes fangs...how Fawkes had saved his life and how Lockhart’s memory spell had backfired and hit him instead of the intended target. Hermione informed us how she had finally figured out the final piece of the puzzle and finally; halfway through the feast; Hagrid arrived with his warm smile in place on his face. We all ran to greet him.

It was one of the best nights of my life.

“So, do you think next year will be as quiet as this one?” Harry asked as the Hogwarts express stopped at platform 9 and ¾ and we all stood to get off the train.

“I hope so” I smiled “what’s Hogwarts without a little bit of action?” We all laughed as we filed off the train.

My dad was there to greet me, as was Mr and Mrs Weasley.

“Dad” I smiled up at him as he took my trunk.

He embraced me warmly before letting me go “let’s go” he said softly.

I grinned at Harry, Ron Hermione and Ginny who had become considerably warmer toward me since I helped rescue her. I hugged them all in turn. “You’ll write, won’t you?”

“Can do one better than that” Ron grinned “I’ll come and visit. I’ve always wanted to see Snape’s place.”

I felt dad stiffen beside me and I sought to rescue him “uhm, maybe I’d better go to yours” I said “if that’s ok...”

Ron looked a little disappointed but nodded “sure thing...another time perhaps.”

“Maybe” I took dads hand, waved at the others and left...already feeling excited about my return in September.

So after what seemed like years; I'm done! AHHA 

If you want the next one then you'll have to bear with me. I don't want to start it if I can't finish it. xxx

Thankyou all for sticking with me :) <3

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