Part 6

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The evening before we were due to leave for Hogwarts Mrs Weasley cooked a feast of food and Harry and Ron set up the table in the back garden so we could eat out there. We laughed and chatted as we watched Fred and George chase a few stray gnomes around the garden and then crawled up to bed at gone eleven.

An hour later Hermione and I sneaked up the stairs and into Ron’s bedroom. We hadn’t had much chance to talk because we had been busy playing Quidditch in the back field. Hermione knocked twice on the door and waited until a quiet voice whispered ‘come in’ to enter.

‘Hey’ I whispered as I slipped onto Harry’s airbag ‘so spill…what happened to you over the summer?’

Harry waited until Hermione was sitting on Ron’s bed before he started to talk ‘well, it’s weird really. My aunt and uncle were having guests round for dinner and as usual I was banished to my room and when I got up there this weird looking thing was jumping on my bed. He said that his name is Dobby and that he’s a house elf’

‘House elf?’ Ron muttered ‘did he say who he belonged to?’

‘What do you mean?’ Harry asked

‘House elves are like servants for wizards’ explained Ron ‘usually the rich, pureblood type’

Harry shook his head ‘anyway, Dobby had been stealing my mail, which is why I never replied to you guys and he told me not to go back to Hogwarts!’

‘What!’ Ron shouted…loudly and minutes later Mrs Weasley stormed into the room and kicked Hermione and I out and back to Ginny’s room.

The morning came bright and early and right after breakfast we all piled into Mr Weasleys car and set off toward Kings Cross.

‘Ok, Arthur and I will go through with Ginny’ Mrs Weasley told us at the barrier after Percy, Hermione and the Twins had passed through. Hermione was asking Percy what the privileges of being were or something along those lines…‘don’t dilly dally’ then Arthur took her arm and pulled both his wife and daughter through the barrier.

‘Ok, Lil, you go first, meet you on the platform’

I nodded at them and then ran at the barrier, bracing myself for an impact that didn’t come. I caught up with Hermione and Ginny and went to find a compartment with them. It was eleven o’clock by the time we noticed that Harry and Ron weren’t with us and by that time, it was too late. The train had started to move and I could see Mr and Mrs Weasley looking worried and confused.

‘What do you think happened to them?’ I asked Hermione nervously ‘they were right behind me!’

‘Maybe they couldn’t get through the barrier’ Ginny suggested

‘Don’t be silly, it doesn’t just lock for no reason’ Hermione snapped as she looked nervously out of the window

‘Then what else could it be?’ Ginny snapped back ‘Ron isn’t like Fred and George! He wouldn’t miss the train on purpose’ and then she stormed off

I stared at Hermione for half a second before I said ‘you didn’t have to do that’

‘Do what?’ She snapped

‘Snap!’ I shouted

‘I’m just worried’ Hermione sighed ‘because we both know that she’s right’

‘Look, they might be in another compartment. Either way, they will end up at school’


Sorry this part is so short there might be more later x

Lilliana Snape (Harry Potter Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora