My dad was currently looking outside of the window, while my mom was talking to Jess and a few other of Danny's family members. Because there was an open seat next to her, I walked towards them and sat down.

I felt the room go silent, and looked up to see a few of Danny's relatives who were also in the room staring at me.

I let out a slight nervous sigh.

"Are you and everyone else okay, Rose?" Danny's mom spoke with her teary red eyes. No one has heard from Danny, no one can trace any evidence of his whereabouts. The last time we all saw him was at the party, and he was drunk. Although Nina said she dropped him off at home into his parents arms, he still could have walked out of his house, maybe to continue to confront Blaire? I'm not sure what time Blaire left my house that night, so anything could have happened. I was also drunk that night, so I may be blanking out on a few details.

I just hate to think that Blaire is behind this. Every time I give him another chance, things go left, and he has to explain himself again and the "truth". I'm trying to make things better for him, for people to see him in a different light, but nothing is working.

Maybe I do give the wrong people the benefit of the doubt. Out of all of the arguments I've had over him, was I wrong? Was it even worth it?

"Yeah, we're all just...really worried and scared.." I spoke while rubbing my hands up and down my pants. I didn't realize I was doing it until I felt a tingling and burning sensation coming from them. I quickly pulled them away, and held them together.

"I just...don't understand what happened-" Jess began to choke up again.

I felt like crying as well. It's hard to watch a mother lose her child, although Danny isn't dead, I hope.

I've seen it too many times.

"Jess, it's okay, we're going to find Danny okay? We're going to bring him home." My mom spoke placing a hand on her shoulder. Jess shook her head.

"When Danny came home...we brought him up in his room, and got him ready for bed because of course he had to be stupid, drink underage, and get into a fight. I was so furious, and thought of every possible punishment there is. About 30 Minutes passed by of Danny being asleep, and Mark and I were in the kitchen, and we heard talking from the front of the house. We went to see what was going on, and Danny was just sitting there on the ground crying with the front door opened. We asked him what he was doing, he said.....'I need to kill him, before he hurts us..he said really observe someones evilness..he's going to kill us all mom'...and Mark and I looked around one was there......"

Right then, everything froze.

I knew.

"W...what did he say?" I questioned softly still stunned.

"Really observe someone's evilness...why?"

I got up from my chair, and began to walk towards the front door.

"Rose." I heard my mom call, but I ignored it.

When I opened the front door walking past the police, I began to make my way towards Blaire's house.

I didn't want to believe it, I really didn't want to. But now, I know Blaire could possibly have something to do with this. Danny made Blaire and I upset at the party, so Blaire possibly acted out revenge.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now