However, Blaire showed no signs of hearing my voice, nor sensing my presence.

I know he can though.

I'll try this again.

"Blaire." I said more firmly.

He still continued to watch the fireplace.

If he isn't going to respond, he'll just have to listen.

"I know what you did.....okay? I know that you went to Illinois and talked to Andrew, maybe even killed him.....I know that you harassed Allison and threatened her, and you chopped off her hair too because you were just that obsessed with her...probably killed her to.....the acronyms...what you said to Eli and Andrew 'really observe someone's evilness', that stands for Rose!....and now you're harassing me, constantly sending me these flowers wondering what you did wrong, sending me're a fucking liar lied to me about everything! I wanted to give you a chance but everything that I found in your room proves that you are what people think you are!" I yelled.

Blaire slowly turned his head towards me, almost as if he was possessed.

"You..snuck into my house?" He said quietly staring into my eyes with his piercing blue ones. They were so innocent, yet so frightening. I ignored him as best as I could, and continued to speak.

Blaire began to stand up.

"You're crazy Blaire.......Who else have you targeted? Your mom? Huh? Why has she been on vacation for so long? Did you kill her too?!"

Blaire began to clench his head with his hands.

"Shutup Rose.." He spoke harshly. He began to pace himself back and forth between the length of the couch.

I continued to speak.

"Just admit it Blaire, admit everything! You killed Andrew, you killed Allison, you're fucking stalking me everywhere when we now aren't friends anymore! I don't like you Blaire, and I should've never tried to get to know you!" I shouted with tears beginning to form in my eyes.

Blaire suddenly stopped and looked at me, and then I realized, that I let out something in him....that hasn't seen the world in a while.

"Shutup!" He screamed in a dark voice. I saw a complete monster come out of him, I stopped talking and looked at him in shock, completely frozen.

Blaire began to throw stuff, and scream. At first it was a glass vase on the coffee table in front of him, then it moved to pictures in frames, and books on shelves.

He then grabbed a glass cup, and threw it right at me just landing a couple of inches away from my feet. I took a step back.

"Get out of my fucking house!" He screamed at me. I looked at him in fear.

I turned around, and began to run.

"Wait..Rose.." I heard Blaire speak. The music was getting louder, so his voice was getting drained out.

When I finally got towards the front door, I opened it and continued to run without looking back.

"Rose I'm sorry!" I heard Blaire repeatedly yell.

Once I finally reached my house, I opened my front door and slammed it shut behind me locking it. Blaire wasn't too far behind me from what I could tell by his voice.

I quickly turned around looking at the door, that's when the pounding began.

"Let me in! I'm sorry Rose!" Blaire yelled while harshly pounding on my front door.

I began to step away from the door.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed back at him. Tears were falling out of me eyes.

"Let me explain!!" He continuously pounded on the door. I then began to hear him kicked it.

I back up against the wall being exposed to our house phone, and a baseball hat that we had at the sleepover and never put away.

I began to dial 911, but didn't press the call button.

Suddenly, everything stopped and went silent.

The only thing I could hear was the sound of me breathing heavily, and my heart beating.

About 30 seconds passed by, until there was another knock on the door.

I held onto the phone ready to press the call button any second, and clenched onto the bat as I walked towards it.

As I finally reached it, this was a now or never moment.

I quickly opened the door, now ready to swing with the bat in my one hand, and call 911 with the other.

"Holy shit what the fuck Rose?!" Danny spoke flinching. I hurriedly came into realization with who it was, and dropped everything pulling Danny into a hug.

"Oh gosh." I said in relief.

"Why the hell are you breathing so hard? What did you just do, run a marathon?" He spoke in a concerned way. I shook my head no and tried to catch my breath.

"I confronted Blaire..he..he chased me. Please come inside and stay until my parents get home. I'll explain everything."

With that, Danny stepped inside, as I officially realized what I lived across the street from.

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now