We all felt sorry for Attina's troubles but we basically took her under our wing. She was our age, was moving to the same school as us and she was one of us. We all slept at Mea that night. The new squad. Our only thing we dreaded was the prank war that was still in the midst of going on.

Day 2

Attina's POV

It felt so good to finally have some friends who were exactly like me. I could no longer consider myself as a freak after falling into the moon pool last August (basically one year ago).

I was the first up out of the four. I waited for them to wake up and finally Lucy did.

"Morning!" I said while she was yawning.

"Oh hey!"

"So. You excited to start school in a few weeks?" I questioned

"Ugh don't even get me started!"

"Oh come on!"

"I DESPISE school with a burning passion!"

We laughed.

"Um so listen. The reason why we came out here last night was so that we could get away from a prank war we stupidly got ourselves into. Now that you are one of us, I think it's only fair that you should come help us with our battle. Oh and we have an extra room in our house. We all live next to the beach so we can swim whenever we want. So... Would you like to come join the Mea Magic Makers?" She said trying to persuade me.

"Okay yeah! I would love to join you in your prank wars! I'll definitely ask my mom if I can move out. It would make more room for my brothers and sister too so I guess it wouldn't be that bad!" I replied excitedly

I couldn't believe the thoughts going through my head. I was actually a part of something where I didn't have to be ashamed of my true self. Today was the day my life would change forever.

The others woke up and Lucy explained that she offered me to join them in their prank war and even move in with them. Surprisingly they were all cool with it. We then swam over the reef enjoying how the early morning sun made the colours so vibrant.

The girls went back to their house as I went to mine.

*At Attina's House*

I walked in the front door and no one was moving.

"I'm hoooome" I shouted.

My sister came running down the stairs holding her fish bowl in her hand. I could see she was upset.

"H-Hi Tia" she mumbled (Tia is what her nickname is)

"Awe Quinn. What's wrong?" I said while walking over trying to comfort her. I also tried to avoid her fish bowl because no one in my family knew that I had a tail; although sometimes I wish I could tell them.

"Gilly. He- He's dead" she said while laying her fishbowl on the bottom step that led upstairs and sat down crying.

"Listen Quinn. This thing happens. To all of us. Fish just die quicker. Say do you want to get a really cool one?"

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