Chapter 11

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The next morning Sabine had gotten up early to paint and she grabbed her blue, purple, and pink paints and went to the kitchen to paint. She first started to paint with the blue, and then the purple. She had gotten to her pink paint to put the final color on her latest masterpiece and she pressed on the nozzle.

Soon enough, Sabine felt that the can was not working. She turned the nozzle towards her and looked at it. She noticed that the top wasn't placed on right, so she took the top off and she felt a goo cover her face and she tightly closed her eyes as the pink paint splattered all over her.

"Chopper!" Sabine screamed as she stormed to Chopper's recharging center.

Chopper immediately bolted as soon as he heard Sabine yell his name. He had made it a good two minutes until Sabine had found him in the cockpit.

Sabine was furious, she was covered in pink paint with the can in her hand.


Later at breakfast with Hera, Zeb, Ezra and Sabine in the kitchen, they all had noticed Sabine's coat of pink paint but said nothing. Chopper rolled in the kitchen, his metal dented all over and one of his wheels wobbled.

"What happened?" Hera immediately asked as she got up from her seat and examined her droid.

"Sabine tried to kill me!" Chopper beeped.

"You were the one who messed with my paint and caused this!" Sabine said, gesturing at the paint covering her.

"Why were you messing with Sabine's paint?" Ezra asked the droid.

Chopper didn't answer.

"Chopper..." Hera asked suspiciously.

Chopper then let a string of swear words and left the room. He decided to fix the damages himself.


Ezra was sitting in the common room, waiting by his com for Kanan to contact him with good news or something. He missed his Master, he actually wanted to meditate now. It was awesome for him when they were doing Jedi training with Athena and Ahsoka. It was nice to have another Force-sensitive kid around. He also liked how he was now no longer the shortest person on the crew. Ezra looked back on the memories of Athena and noticed some subtle similarities between her and Kanan.

He looked back on the time when Kanan contacted him and Ahsoka and him and Athena were fighting as if they had known each other as brother and sister since they were born. He smiled at the thought of his Master having a little sister that acts just like him.

"Oh, the arguments they'll get in..." Ezra thought.

Ezra hoped that Athena and him could practice their Force-abilities with each other instead of the strict way Kanan has him use the Force constantly. It would be almost like he were at a class for Padawans like Kanan and Ahsoka were in when they were Jedi Younglings. Ezra wondered what it was like to be a Padawan before the Empire, more Jedi to learn from, no Inquisitors, no Stormtroopers... Now with Athena, he can feel like he is a part of the Jedi Council's Padawans.

Suddenly his com beeped and he immediately picked it off of his belt.

"Kanan?" Ezra urgently asked.

"No, it's just me," Hera said over the com.

"Oh. Hi, Hera. What do you need?" Ezra asked, walking to the cockpit.

"I was just checking the coms," Hera answered.

"Oh," Ezra sighed and he stopped walking.

"You're missing him, huh?" Hera asked over the com.

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