Blaire looked to the side clenching his jaw, and then back at me.

"And you believed her. Right?" He spoke in a soft tone, but deeply.

I hesitated for a moment.

Before I could give an explanation, Blaire turned around and stormed off. I followed him.

"Blaire," I shouted behind him trying to make my way through the people in the hallway.

He continued to walk.

I spoke a bit louder this time, "Blaire!"

With that, he punched a locker, therefore drawing attention to him from all the people in the hallway. He still continued to walk.

I stopped walking, and stood still in the hallway. People were passing and shoving by me to get to their classes, while I was stuck thinking about how I made Blaire upset.

Who knows what he's going to do now.

Suddenly the one minute bell rang, meaning that I had to head to AP calc right now before I get a tardy.

Before I turned around to start heading to my class, I looked at the locker Blaire hit, seeing an indent on it.

When I finally arrived to my class just a few seconds before the bell went off again, I looked across the room seeing Eli, who was already looking at me. He smiled at me, therefore causing me to smile back and quickly sit down in my seat before he sees me blush.

I realized we had a substitute teacher today, hopefully we'll have less work to do.

While the substitute teacher began to talk, Nina looked at me, and began to speak as well.

"You came a little later today." Nina whispered to me while looking back at the old teacher giving us instructions on what to do today. Luckily for us, it's just book work.

"I was dealing with something important." I said back. Nina laughed quietly.

"Like what, taking a shit?"

I gasped, and then looked at her slightly slapping her arm. We both let out a small chuckle.

"Not at all, it was something else." I responded while remembering how I made Blaire upset.

We both brought our attention back to the substitute who assigned us workbook pages to complete with partners. I guess that's one good thing about today.

Nina and I automatically looked at each other smiling. 

"I say we split up, you do half of the problems, I do the other half, and we copy from each other." I spoke now grabbing my math book and opening it.

"I say we talk about how Eli is walking over here right now." Nina said smiling. I stopped what I was doing and looked up.


"Hey Nina, hey Rose." Eli said standing infront of our table, and pulled up a chair to take a seat. He looked even more attractive today. A nice black adidas hoodie with black adidas jogging pants.

Try to breathe Rose.

"Im pretty sure you're only supposed to have one partner." Nina spoke with a smirk across her face currently while I'm trying not to blush.

Eli chuckled, and then slid his tongue across his teeth.

Again Rose, try to breathe.

"I know, I'm just coming over here to talk to Rose to see if she would like to hangout soon." He spoke looking at me. Im trying not to scream out of excitement.

"Yeah, um sure that would be cool." I said trying to play everything off cool, which I know I'm not.

"Didn't you guys just start talking?" Nina added in, I could tell she was trying to make it difficult for him but in a joking way. She began looking through her math book to find the pages we're supposed to work on.

"I think hanging out would let us get to know each other better." He responded, which is totally true, just depends on what type of 'hanging out' he means. Im not that type of girl though, so I hope he understands that I'm not willing to do anything with him especially considering the fact that we just met. Maybe we should hangout with a few other people just to make everything comfortable.

The greatest idea then popped into my head.

"Yes, lets hangout Saturday. Nina can come with too, and so can Danny."

Nina stopped looking at pages through her math book and looked at me, "What?"

I nodded my head.

"It would be fun, and it all works out. I'm friends with Nina, you're friends with Danny, I'm friends with Danny, and Nina and Danny have a close relationship." I spoke smirking at the end and looking at Nina. Nina wasn't so on board with the plan not because of hanging out with Danny, because she has plenty of time before, but because she knows this would be like a date. I bet Danny has talked to Eli about Nina too, so he probably already knows what I mean by "special relationship".

"Um I don't kn-"

"Sounds like a plan. Um here, can you enter your number in my phone? That way I can text you about what we should do. Maybe dinner or bowling since there will be four of us." Eli said holding out his phone.

"Sure," I said taking the phone and entering in my number. Hopefully this all turns out good.

When I finally finished putting in my number, I handed his phone back to him.

"Young man I suggest you go back to your original seat now." The substitute interrupted.

Eli then got up, and put the chair he grabbed back to where it was in the first place. The teacher continued to stare at him.

"See you guys soon, we can talk about it more at lunch."

Dark Roses #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now