Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

            “Oh man, I’m starving!” I said as Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and I made our way towards the lake. Draco looked at me, aghast.

            “We just had lunch, not even thirty minutes ago.” He said.

            “Yes, but I didn’t eat anything then.” I snapped at him, “Because I didn’t have breakfast, it threw off my whole day.” We sunk down by the water’s edge, everyone quiet for a while.

            “So Crabbe, Goyle, what are you guys up to?” I asked them. They both grunted and shrugged. I frowned.

            “You know, now that I think about it…” I said slowly, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you guys speak more than one sentence. Why is that, I wonder?” Draco snorted.

            “It’s ‘cause there’s nothing in their hallow heads.” He laughed, then glanced at Crabbe and Goyle who gave an unconvincing chuckle. Unconvincing to me, anyways.

            “Don’t laugh.” I snapped at them, “Draco, that’s a horrible thing to say to the people who are supposed to be your friends.”

            “They’re my friends, I’ll treat them how I want!” He said indignantly. I stood, my anger flaring, my nose inches from his.

            “You shouldn’t talk about them like you consider them as objects for you to use as you please.” I snarled at him. His face went red.

            “So what if I do?! They’re my friends!” He almost shouted. I started.

            “Is the how you consider me?” I asked him quietly. He was silent as he looked down at his feet.

            “Very well then, tirón, I’ll be…anywhere but here.” I said angrily as I stormed off towards the castle. Minutes later, I found myself at the library. I walked inside and began browsing for anything to take my mind off things. Eventually, I picked out a book about Quidditch. I sat down and opened it.

            Quidditch is a wizarding sport played on broomsticks that consists of two teams, each with seven players. On each team there is a Keeper, three Chasers, two Beaters and a Seeker. There are four balls used to play Quidditch. A Quaffle, two Bludgers and a Golden Snitch.

The Keeper guards the goal posts, the three Chasers score goals with the Quaffle by tossing it into one of the opposing team's three goal posts, the two Beaters keep the Bludgers away from their team and hit the Bludgers towards the opposing team. The Seeker catches the Golden Snitch to end the game, which is worth 150 points.

The object of the game is to score more points than your opponents. Each goal is worth ten points and catching the Snitch is worth one-hundred fifty points. The game ends when the Snitch is caught or an agreement is reached between the captains of both teams. Some games can go on for many days if the Snitch is not caught. The record, according to Quidditch Through the Ages, is six months.

There was more stuff about strategies and basic pitches and different types of broomsticks, but I closed the book, putting it back on the shelf. So that was Quidditch. It actually sounded pretty fun, and the job of a Beater sounded pretty neat. Or a Chaser. I was already pretty good at flying, maybe I would try out for the team next year.

I headed toward the Great Hall, as it was beginning to be dinner time. My first Halloween here and I was in a bad mood because Draco had said something stupid. I sighed.

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