Chapter 21: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

Once inside, Cat turned towards me and finished her drink. She seems hesitant for a while and then she looked around before she talked.

"The Royal family of this country possesses abilities unlike any other, it is because the bloodline of the Seer Lady flows in our veins." she began. "I think you read that legend correct? Well, the Seer is a true person and even at present. Everyone connected to the Royal Family by blood has a gift. Most people...outsiders have dismissed the legend as just a mere fairytale but that just works to our advantage."

What she said was very surprising but I cannot seem to muster any doubt after seeing her so-called "gift" in action.

That and my own experience with Henry, who also seems to know random, strange things about her even though I did not remember telling him anything.

Like how I was scared of sharks or that I  like dipping french fries into ice cream.

"Henry's gift is that of dreams isn't it?" I whispered.

"Good deduction skills. Yes....Uncle has always had the ability to use dreams to interpret the present and future. And now that his bloodline has accepted you; you have his gift as well." Cat regarded me with an enigmatic smirk. "An outsider receiving such a thing has not happened in a long time. It is a rare gift."

If that was true then...

"Wait....Cat, you said that Leone has a gift?"

"Yes. He does but it is something that only he can tell you." the princess said.

"And you? What is yours?"

"I can summon fire."


The princess just laughed but then she took my hand and somehow I felt a stronger sensation. It felt like something was stinging my skin like small prickly needles.

"My gift is sensing one's emotions through tactile contact, all I had to do is touch them to know exactly what they are thinking or feeling," she said. "I guess this is why I liked you right away because you aren't after my brother for his money and title. You are one of those rare girls."

"T-the stinging..."

"Ah sorry, that happens when I get overexcited." she let go of my hand and her expression turned somber as she watched my face. "Are you scared of me now?"

I looked at the princess and imagined that it must have been difficult to say such things.

Still, I cannot believe it. The Royalty of Illyria are not your usual royals, they were mysterious beings with gifts one could only imagine or watch on a TV series.

However these past few days I also see that despite their unique traits, they are also like normal people for they also had fears and insecurities.

"I am still shocked but somehow I can tell it's not a joke. Henry has always had this otherworldly feeling to him. Maybe what you said explains that." I smiled at her, feeling lighter as I processed the news more."Thank you for telling me this Cat. I appreciate this."

Somehow my sincere words made the princess look at me with adoring eyes and she hugged me.

"Ah, you are so cute! You really are a darling Sarina." then she touched one finger to her lips. "However please keep this a secret. No outsider should know about this."

I nodded as we made our way back to the gala. Then my curiosity got the better of me and I asked the one thing that was on my mind for a while now.

"Leone's gift...what is it?"

"Hmm... Yes. It is a very unique one too but it is something you will have to ask him."

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now