Part two of Chapter 3

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"Ti-President, this is assistant of Doctor Ti-Humok! His name is Ti-Luke." Ti-Lok announced. The president smiled wider at Luke. "It is good you are here... Though I actually expected to see Doctor Ti-Thomson." He called him by his name! Luke just made a faint smile. The president continued, "Sadly, my personal physician has died..." he knelt down and started removing one of his shoes. Those were some of the most interesting things Luke had ever seen. Then he saw it... the goblin's foot; it was like a cat's foot but with only one toe. It was infected too. Luke raised his hand over his mouth as his belly growled in disgust.

"Eh?" The president noticed. Luke closed his eyes, trying to remain calm and collected.

"Is he not Doctor Ti-Thomson's assistant?" The president asked.

Ti-Lok looked from him to Luke a couple times. "Well I..."

Luke opened his eyes, "...Ti-President, I am just trying to find my way to Bleeding Tower Isle. I know Doctor Thomson, but I am not his assistant." The room had fallen densely silent. The emotion on the goblins' faces was not a comforting sight to see.

"You can't help me?" The President asked.

"No sir... I can't. I'm sorry. I came seeking help."

The president frowned slowly at him, then he started to get angry. But before he was about to order him out, he examined Luke's young face a little more and saw traces of sadness and loss in it.

"...Explain yourself."

Luke bowed his head slowly. "My parents were poisoned. Now they're in a deep sleep that they can't wake up from... unless I bring back a remedy."

"We don't have anything for that as far as I know. Why would you want to go to Bleeding Tower Isle? That is dangerous territory. Are you sure you want to go there?" The president asked.

"I'm absolutely positive."

Ti-Lok walked closer to him, and in a quieter voice, he said, "Why...? There is no other way?"

Luke straightened his posture, turning to him. His demeanor became more serious. "What is it about Bleeding Tower that is so dangerous?"

"People never come back the same. Too messed up in head to talk about it." Ti-Lok sadly explained. That began to crush Luke's hopes. "You don't know...?" Luke asked.

"Well... there was one Ti-Goblin that could take memories from others before they died. But he moved from here not too long after. We only got 'the isle of phantoms' out of him. That's plenty for me!" The president said. The isle of phantoms... Luke knew about phantoms. They're vicious, angry spirits. This is exactly why Gianna told him to be very careful and wise.

"Do you think the phantoms are only on the isle?"

"Don't know for sure." Ti-Lok replied, and the president shrugged. Great. Just great.

"We do have something you could use though. We can give you a weapon and a special weed that repels ghosts! Ti-Lok, go find the blacksmith!" The president then cupped his mouth, "Ti-Kah!!!" A moment later, the door opened. A female goblin dressed in a pink gown glared in at them. Luke remembered something like that on his mother's face countless times. When Ti-Kah saw him though, her features suddenly lightened up.

She came in, over to him and rubbed his head and shoulders, "Hello there Ti-Humok..." she took in his scent and made a pleased 'mm'. "Ti-Kah!" The president coughed. She stopped and backed away from Luke. A shiver shot up his spine. He never wanted that to happen to him ever again-if it was a goblin touching him, anyway.

"Bring in the thinebell weed! Our friend, Ti-Luke, requires it for his journey." The president told her. Luke could tell she was bewildered by that. She nodded and left the room. Now it was just him and the president.

Luke Pane and his Anomaly Sister [ Fantasy ] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now