The Closest to Heaven: Zayn

Start from the beginning

“Oh sure.” Liam said. She squealed in delight and quickly snapped a selfie with us.

“Oh my flacking carrots!” one of them yelled. “I can’t believe that this is happening.” She probably scared me the most out of all of them. She kept giving me a creepy smile like she was going to rape me after she would kidnap me.

But their friend was less crazy, or at least on the surface. After her friends fangirled and finally stopped badgering us for pictures, she simply went up to me and surprised me. She hugged me, just that. Her tears streamed down her face and dripped onto my shirt. She was so small that she reminded me of Safaa, small and sweet. All she said to me was,” You’ve saved my life, all of you. And I’m so happy for you and Perrie.”

“Oh my gosh, Becky.” The first one said,” You can’t just go up to Zayn freaking Malik and hug him.”

I gave her a stern glare that quickly silenced her protests. I cleared my voice. “Actually, she can.” She opened her mouth but said nothing after that. I didn’t know what Becky had faced before, but I could tell by looking at her eyes that she was still broken inside.

I knelt down and said to her,” I know that it’s probably hard to go through what you’re facing through. Don’t worry things will get better. I promise.” I gave her a final squeeze and she stumbled away, tears running down her face.

Liam patted my back once they left the hotel courtyard. “You were perfect!” He praised and gave me a reassuring smile. “But you might need this before we see anyone else.” He handed me a tissue from his back pocket. I didn’t notice that I had a few tears stained my face. I didn’t think that I was the most emotional out of the whole band. Heck, I don’t even cry while watching those chick-flicks that Perrie insists on watching.

“I dunno.” I mumbled as I dabbed my eyes,” She reminded me a lot about Safaa and I guess, I told her what I would tell my little sister.”

“You said what she needed to hear, that’s what matters. Now are you going to finally conquer your fear of deep water and go surfing with Louis and me or going to stay at home and try to Skype Perrie for the millionth time?”

I nervously ran my fingers through my hair. “Erm, no. Not this time.” Liam laughed as I ran back into my hotel room, not eager about surfing in the deep waters of the Pacific at all.


“Belfast make some noise!” Harry yelled into his mike. Millions of high-pitched cries filled the vast arena. People from all over the area were packed into this big stadium but it felt like we were all crammed into a little box. I hardly ever get claustrophobic but whenever we have a concert, I always get a bit tensed up. We were on the miniature stage in the middle of the crowd. We just got off of the floating platform, safely, thank goodness.

“So we have a few questions that you guys asked us from Twitter.” Louis said. “And here’s one from ‘MzStyhorpaylikson’, by the way what kind of last name is ‘Styhorpaylikson’?”

“I think that it’s supposed to be a combination of our names into one.” Liam answered. Louis slightly cringed. Out of all of us he thought that the fans were one of the craziest in the world. It’s probably because of the whole shipping war between him and Eleanor and him and Harry.

“Oh gosh, who would want to put up with all five of us?” he replied. “Well she asked,’ how much do you guys eat in a day?’ I guess that it’s relevant considering the fact that she wants to marry all of us, which by the way isn’t weird or creepy at all. Liam, what do you think?”

He thought for a minute and answered,” I don’t know. I mean Niall’s diet alone is a lot of money down the drain.” Niall laughed until his face got red, which looked very comical. I smiled and waved to a couple of fans.

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