Prologue: My Last First Kiss

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Author's note: this is going to be in Zayn's and Perrie's pov throughout the story...and this is Perrie's thoughts on love. Enjoy :)


“I don’t think you can really define love.”-Harry Styles

Eight words that I never thought would mean so much to me. Let alone it be from my love’s band mate. Nevertheless, they mean a lot to me…now to us. When I was younger, I never understood love. To this day I guess I never will. But you don’t have to know all the answers to understand the question, or in this case-love.

The minute Zayn first asked me out, I couldn’t believe it. He was a rising pop star; usually people like him wouldn’t want to be in a relationship. He could have any girl in the world, but he chose me. Perrie Louise Edwards. “Our relationship would be though”, he warned me. And then he offered if we wanted to go try to keep us away from the world. I laughed; never did I realize how tough the next two years would become.

Yes, I read all those reports about me only using Zayn so Little Mix could gain popularity. Those cruel tweets from all those ‘Directioners’ saying that I didn’t deserve him were all read. Every last bit. I don’t why I read them, to be honest. Maybe to prove a point? I still don’t know.

I always wonder if I didn’t audition for X-Factor, would I still would have been as happy as I am now? What if we didn’t face the trials that normal couples didn’t? And the biggest question…would I have ever met Zayn? Sometimes those types of questions scare me, even though I shouldn’t be scared anymore.

So girls, don’t give up. I’ve gotten plenty of tweets saying to hold him close and to take care of him. Don’t worry, I will. But don’t keep this from looking for your last first kiss.


Made Just for Me [A Zerrie Short-story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora