The jerk called Connor Brown

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"Let's go, princess. We are not doing any business with people who value money more than relations." I nodded and started to get up.

"Okay then. I will see you in the court for agreement breach, Mr Parker."

My dad turned and glared at him.

"For what exactly?!"

"The agreement clearly stated that I would get to choose the models for the shoot that is to be published in The Team in exchange of sponsorship."

"But it wasn't stated that you can force your models!" I shout at him.

"Behave, Ms Parker. I am not a coward like my son to not fight you back when punched verbally or physically. And I can make the video leak to destroy both your careers."

I look at him in absolute disgust and disbelief.

"You son of a-" I put a hand on dad's shoulder to hold him back.

"Dad. Leave the asshole be." I turned to Conner Brown and pointed a finger towards him. "You're not going to press any charges as I will make sure to tell the whole world what a dickhead you are for pressuring your son into soccer when he clearly loves fencing!"

The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them and they left everyone on the table stunned. Felix looked as if he saw a ghost and for the first time during the conversation, I saw Conner Brown's blank façade crack.

"Point taken, Ms Parker." He chuckled indifferently and I clenched my fist. "But you must know that when I want something, I make sure to get it. It was a simple deal in the beginning but we both managed to add personal issues into it."

Dad grabbed my hand and started steering me out. I gladly followed.

"Let's make another deal, Ms Parker. You do this photo shoot for me and I will grant Felix the permission to pursue fencing."

He shouted behind me and I froze. I turned around after a minute of silence to look at Felix's raged face and his parent's indifferent one. Mrs Brown had the nerve to sip on her wine.

How can he trade his son's future for a photo shoot based on payback? What kind of disgusting excuse of parents are they?!

I left dad's hand and marched towards Conner Brown.

"You." I pressed my finger on his chest. "You are a disgrace to the beautiful word 'dad'. I am not doing anything for you and Felix here, doesn't need your permission to pursue his dreams. I believe in his talents and I believe in him. I am sure that he will be an amazing fencer along with a wonderful human being, unlike you."

I had the urge to punch his face when his eyes danced with amusement.

"It won't happen if I give the evidences of his player ways to the media along with his arrest records for assault, now will it?"

I looked between a sadistically amused Conner Brown and completely furious Felix. It's a wonder that he didn't open his mouth yet but I had a feeling that one more sentence and his sperm donor will go out on a stretcher.

"I always knew that I am lucky to have a dad like mine but seeing you, makes me feel blessed that I didn't end up being a selfish, greedy, egoistical asshole's daughter! I pity you, Mr Brown. Because you may think that you won your game by blackmailing your son and me into this but believe me, the look of hatred in your son's eyes for you and your wife is the evidence of what you actually lost. You may be a billionaire but right now, you are the poorest person in this world for me because you won't be able to take this money with you when you die and I am sure that blessings are something you never really got, anyway."

"So I take it as a yes?" he queried, unfazed and if it wasn't for Felix's hand on mine, I would have punched him.

"Leave it, Astrid. He is not worth it. Don't-"

"Yes." I answered firmly and both dad and Felix made a sound of disapproval. I didn't stay to witness the smug smirk on his face as I marched out of the restaurant.

My dad followed me out and engulfed me into a hug immediately. I didn't even notice that I was crying.

"How can he treat him like that?! He isn't the best guy ever but he is a human! He is that bastard's son for god's sake!"

I didn't care if I was cursing in front of dad because right now I would gladly go back and punch that sad excuse of a father.

"Sh. Its okay, princess. You did the right thing for Felix but you didn't have to do it. I would have made sure to help Felix get rid of that devil and his past."

I let out a choked sob as dad guided me to the car.

"Astrid!" I turned back to see Felix following me. He jogged to us and looked at us with guilty expression.

"I am sorry, sir. My father is-" I cut him off by enclosing him into a tight hug.

"You've nothing to be sorry about. So shut up!" he shook his head and gently hugged me back.

"You should not have agreed to him, Astrid."

"Whats done is done, kid. But trust me, I will make sure that the bastard doesn't pull any stunt on both of you. When are you turning 18, son?"

"In three months." My dad nodded in acknowledgement.

"3 more months. I promise you, I won't let any of his games cost you your dreams. I will sponsor you and you are supposed to come to me if you need something. Are we clear?"

My dad asked firmly. Felix looked at him with respect and gratitude. I swear, I saw his eyes glisten.

"Thank you, sir." My dad gave him a brief hug and patted him on back.

"You are one brave kid. I know you will make it very far. Be serious for your dreams and quit the things that will cost you in future."

Felix nodded. "Can I talk to Astrid in private for a second? If it's possible, that is." My dad affirmed as he rounded and took his seat in car.

"How did you know?"

"I am not stupid, Felix. You almost let it slip that day and I am one curious chick. I may or may not have done a background check on your family. Conner Brown was a rising soccer player but a one night stand cost him his whole career. I realised that you disobey me not because you hate me but because you want me to hate you and throw you out of the team myself. It wasn't hard to connect the two and two. I watch CSI after all. What I didn't pay attention to was that he is the owner of Athelon."

I shrugged indifferently as Felix shook his head in amusement before turning serious.

"I owe you, Parker."

"You don't owe me anything, Brown. Just help me get this shoot over with as fast as possible." I rolled my eyes and he nodded. I bid him goodbye and got into the car.

Felix smiled at me through the windshield and I mirrored his expression.

I have a feeling that the list of secrets kept from my brothers, will elongate tremendously very soon.







(No, I am not Muslim but I respect Muslims and I love their religion. Wishing someone doesn't hurt, right?)

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