I automatically opened my mouth and let him feed me. The man smiled at me as he continued to feed me. I smiled back at him.

"Thats a good girl Koyuki. How are you feeling now?" He asked once the soup was gone. Koyuki?

"Am I Koyuki? Where am I? Who are you?" I asked. The man gaped slightly at me before quickly recovering.

"You're Koyuki Takashi. You are at the Phantomhive manor and I am Sebastian Michaelis, butler to the Earl." Sebastian Michaelis. That's a nice name. I like that.

"Something about your voice reminds me of someone." I suddenly blurted out. Where did that come from? Sebastian smirked at me.

"Perhaps it does. Until you remember I'm afraid I am the only voice like this you know." I nodded at him.

"What happen to me?"

"You tried to kill yourself but I refused to watch you die. Now if you'll excuse me Miss Takashi I must go tend to my master right now. If you need anything just yell or tell Mey rin, Bard, or Finny what you need and they should be able to fetch it, if not, they can come fetch me." He bowed and stepped out of the room. A boy with blonde hair and hair clips came over and sat by me.

"I'm Finny. I promise we will take good care of you Miss Koyuki." He said. I smiled softly at him. Something about him was just full out sweet and innocent.

"Thank you finny."

~Kyoya's point of view~

My eyes open slowly, revealing me in a completely different surrounding. This was not my bedroom. People dressed poorly were walking around everywhere. Some carrying lots of shopping bags, others carrying children or even nothing at all. I blinked a few times and pushed up my glasses. How did I end up here? A boy went running past me over to a lady. He pulled on her dress.

"Come on look mama. Its just over here!" He cried pulling her along with him. His mother laughed.

"Alright alright im coming." I simply recall laying in my bed moments ago. Oh wait, Tamaki was carrying on about some sort of exhibit. He had his heart set on all of us going I think. I groaned and put my head in my hand. I began recalling what happen earlier this morning. After I fell back asleep, the morons must have dressed me, and dragged me to this commoner place and left me alone. Oh great, thats how I ended up here. I rose to my feet. I turned to look at the sign ehind me. It seems like I'm at a shopping center. Which isnt exactly walking distance from home. I guess Ill call to have a car sent out.

I reached into my pocket to pull out my phone. My pocket was empty. I let out a gasp.I checked the rest of my pockets. All were empty as well. That means no phone, nor a wallet and no way home. My stomach let out a growl. I was starting to get hungry. I hadn't eaten in, I don't know when. Last time I ate I was with.. her. I couldn't say her name. It hurt to think about her. I let out a sigh.

Suddenly some kid ran into my side. He was crying and was about to apologize when I glared down at him. His eyes went wide. He was crying harder and shaking were he sat. He jumped to his feet and cried for his mother.

"Tamakis a dead man when I get my hands on him." I muttered.

"Kyoya Senpai?" Haruhi's voice came from behind me. Huh? I turned to face her. She was in a pink dress and her hair was in clips. "I didn't expect to see you here today." She said. Hmm. I put a hand to my chin. Haruhi looks like she's been shopping so she must have money on her. I narrowed my eyes at her for a moment.

"How much money do you have on you Haruhi?" I asked. She blinked at me.

"What?" I repeated the question for her. She looked into her purse. "Enough I guess. "Good lets go get some food over there." I pointed to a commoners fast food place. Haruhi kind of stared at me for a moment before walking over.   "Kyoya senpai, are you sure this is where you wanna eat? There are much nicer restaurants to choose from upstairs." She sounded annoyed. I held back an urge to smirk at her. Good, I was getting under her skin.

"Well you don't have much on you so our choices are limited. Just be sure to get a receipt. Tamaki will reimburse you ten fold." I sneered thinking about how that moron just left me here. Haruhi let out a sigh. I looked at the cashier who stared at us. "Haruhi I think its our turn. How do I order?" I asked her. I've never actually ordered from this type of place.  Haruhi  decided she'd order for the both of us  and asked what i wanted. I just brushed her off and asked her to get lots of whatever there is. My stomach growled again to tell me it was still hungry. I cursed again at Tamaki.

The cashier then decided to try to attempt to flirt. I just wasn't having any of it. She kept pestering me about sweets. I told this commoner I don't care for sweets couldn't she understand that? The only sweets I cared for was.. was those things Koyuki had. My heart ached at the thought of her again. Koyuki why did you leave me? Why were you so foolish?

"Kyoya senpai the foods ready." Haruhi snapped me out of my thoughts. I just have to be a man and push back any further thought of her and focused on the host club and things. Haruhi had a tray in her hand and was walking towards a table in the corner. I followed her and sat on the other side of the table.  "Kyoya senpai just because you're in fowl mood doesn't mean you can talk to people like that. The poor girl was just doing her job." Haruhi attempted to scowled me. I grabbed the burger off the tray and began to unwrap it.

"Her job is to take our order. Not irritate me with some weak sales pitch." With that said, I brought the burger to my mouth and took a bite. It wasn't that bad but it wasn't something I'd eat often. I just needed food so I could make it through the day. I stop eating when I realized Haruhi wasn't eating and was just staring at me. "Now what?"

"Huh? Nothing. I just don't think I've ever seen you eat before. Somehow I thought this moment would be more refine. I'm surprised that food like this even appeals to you." I sat back in my seat.

"This doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. Theres an understanding between those who make it and those who eat it. " I explained to her about how the food was meant to be eaten quickly and not very focused on flavor.

After a while Haruhi and I grew silent. No one said anything. Both of us were left to our thoughts. At least thats what I though. Haruhi suddenly put down her drink and stared at me again.

"Kyoya senpai I have to say. You're taking the disappearance and break up with Koyuki Senpai quite well. I thought you'd be well.. I thought you'd be more upset. I mean, you two looked so happy together." The blood washed out of my face. I wiped my mouth off and tried to regain my composure.

"My personal life has nothing to do with you, or anyone from the host club. Yes we were 'happy' or so I thought. Koyuki and I just need space. She needed a break. I am glad she got away because it will keep her safe from Yuu and his brother. She's.. She's.." My voice was getting ready to crack. I don't cry. Men don't cry. "Drop it Haruhi." I snapped. slamming a hand on the table causing her to jump.. Haruhi looked down at the table. She looked back and placed her hand on top of mine. My jaw dropped slightly at the sight. I was rude, but she was still caring.




Sucked Into The Manga (Book one) Ouran HighSchool Host ClubWhere stories live. Discover now