I pulled myself up, went to the weight lifting section, and worked on my muscles.

After that, I pulled on a grey hoodie over my black sweatpants and ran out of the blue building with John's Gym written on it.

This was no ordinary gym, you had to swipe a special card at one of the paintings in the hall to reach the Agent section but for now, I stuck with the normal gym.

I ran onto the street, I was headed back to the mansion. I had to return so I could prepare for Dyan's arrival and pick her up.

It was fifteen minutes from the gym so, I could be back in time to shower and prepare for Nicky's fiancée.

Talk about a great day off. I had to play tour guide for this Dyan chick. Just how I wanted to spend my day!


I was standing in St. George's airport, waiting for this Dyan chick.

It was five past two and I was holding a card saying Ms. Ryder.

I watched as different people came out of Customs. They ran to greet their family members meanwhile; I was here waiting for a woman I had no relations to.

I looked around at the big glass windows noting that outside was sunny and bright. People were laughing and packing luggage in cars. I looked back over to the area where the luggage was checked and just as I did, a woman started walking over to me.

She was of light complexion, had messy brown hair, violet eyes and a suitcase in her hand. She waved at me overly-excitedly.

No wonder Nicalus cheated on her, she looked like strawberry yogurt, pale and shapeless. She took the shape of her container.

I watched as she walked over to me, she looked intensely at me and smiled. I cringed at her teeth, they were twisted and a few were missing. How could Nicalus kiss her?

She walked closer and I put on a fake smile. I held out my hand and she just walked past me, muttering 'creep'.

I watched as she went over to a group of doctors in coats, they looked at her teeth and ushered her to follow them.

Guess she finally got a bag and was going to fix her teeth, it looked like she had been eating rocks.

"Um, excuse me? Are you waiting on a Dyan Ryder?" a woman with a British accent asked and I turned around to spot a goddess.

Her golden skin glowed as the sun's rays danced on it, her chocolate eyes sparkled with joy. They had a warm look to them and on her cheek was a small mole; it made her look cute.

I ran my eyes down her body she was in a grey pencil skirt with a white blouse and a grey jacket.

To say she was sexy was an understatement; neither Nicki nor Kim had anything on her.

Her curves were natural; she had a small waist but thick sexy thighs and wide hips. She had just the right size breasts and just the right amount of ass to make any man happy.

Why would Nicalus cheat on her? She's fucking hot.

"Um, yes," I finally said.

"Oh, you must be Troy. I'm Dyan nice to meet you," she said as she shook my hand.

She smiled at me her pearly white teeth showing. She had a beautiful smile and straight, full rows of teeth. Thank god!

"So, can we go now?" she asked as she withdrew her hand and placed her brown curls in a low ponytail.

"Um, If you want to. No sense in staying here any longer."

"Great," she replied and then she did the most surprising thing. She grabbed her suitcase and walked off, pulling it behind her.

Most of Nicalus' high and mighty rich friends just threw their luggage at me as if I was their bellhop but she didn't. What a fucking change.

"Aren't you coming?" she asked as she looked back at me.

I nodded and walked over to her. "May I take your suitcase?"

She looked at me, smiled and nodded.

"Um, I never wanted to trouble you. You must have been here for a long time so I decided to just bring it to the car myself," she explained, playing with her fingers as I took the suitcase.

"It okay, Ms. Ryder."

"Oh, call me Dyan or Dee," she replied as she took her black handbag off the top of the suitcase and put it on her arm.

"Where to Ms. Ry- Dyan?" I asked as we walked out of the airport.

"For now, home. I am tired and you must be," she replied.

I nodded and led her to the black Audi at the far corner of the parking lot. I put the luggage in the back and came around to the driver's seat.

"So, Dyan where are you-?" I stop short as I looked in the mirror only to find her curled up on the back seat napping.

She looked peaceful, kind of like an angel.

Just wait until she hears about Nicalus' one nightstands. She will change into a revenge-seeking demon in the blink of an eye.

I chuckled and pulled out of the parking lot.

This promises to be an interesting couple of months.

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