"Okay." I smile back before walking off to class with Julie, turning to watch as he as well got up to head to his own class.
"Can anyone tell me why you all don't understand? Why can no one answer?" Mrs.Keen asks.

"Just fucking kill me now." Julie mumbles beside me, resting her elbows on the table and rubbing her temples.

I slowly raise my hand, quickly double checking my work. I look up and see her smile before she calls on me.


"f(6), f(27), g(-13), and g(-1)" I say with my fingers crossed hoping it isn't wrong.

"Excellent! Thank you. You and your partner may leave now." she says sweetly.

She had said the first person to get the correct answer would be able to leave early, as well as their partner. Obviously it was Julie.

We quickly gather our things before walking out of the class and to our lockers to switch our books for the last classes of the day.

"I can't believe you're meeting his sister." Julie says excitedly. She's been so supportive, it's amazing.

"I know. It's crazy." I smile, shaking my head.

"I'll see you next period, yeah? If I'm late to English one more time Sanchez will have my head on a platter." she says laughing as she waves and turns to walk the other way.

I leisurely make my way to my AP history class, my book in one hand and my phone in the other. I wasn't paying much attention as I walked so it wasn't very surprising when I bumped into someone, my book falling to the ground.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching my way." I apologize, leaning down for the book.

"Let me." a guy. "It's no problem, really." After he picks up my book he hands it to me, smiling. "I'm Rider." he said, putting his hand out towards me.

"Elizabeth." I reply shaking his hand, he held it too long. "Thank you, I should be on my way now." I say awkwardly before pulling my book closer to my chest, tightly gripping my phone and walking away. I hear him laughing as I stumble a little before turning the corner.

What the hell?
"You shouldn't be worried Liz." Harry says from next to me. We're in art class now. Harry sat to my left and Julie on my right.

"Yeah you're like a little puppy, how could she not like you?" Julie says as she adds random streaks of blue to her painting. She tilts her head to the side,"This looks like shit."

Harry and I laugh before Mr.Fern quietly scolds her for her language, she apologized before smiling at me and mouthing, "fuck".

"Should I dress nice?" I ask as I rub my right hand off on my smock before pushing my hair out of my face. I look over at him to find him already looking at me.

"We're going to Tribeca." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Dress nice." Julie laughs, shaking her head. "Boys." I hear her mumble.

We all look up when we hear the door open, and I'm shocked when I see the "Rider" character stroll in and walk straight to Mr.Fern, handing him a slip before making his way to the back of the room.

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